Compared with QAF, this one is closer to our life

Mary 2022-10-24 04:57:14

This film has finally come to an end. It’s a pity that it didn’t continue to be filmed. It’s a pity that it didn’t become a classic like QAF back then. Think about it, although the two films are both LGBT themes, the style of painting is completely different, which may also represent Different portrayals of LGBT people in different eras.

In comparison, QAF is still a traditional American drama, relying on the plot to promote the development of the story. Thinking about it now, many episodes are actually just a layer of gay coats, but the essence is still quite bloody, emotional third parties, cheating, drug use in life, hiv, clients at work have collapsed Ah, resigning to start a business, all kinds of life, old age, sickness and death, basically every two or three episodes, there will be a big turning point, explosion, award, fall, plastic surgery, death, wave after wave of explosions. Wonderful is wonderful, but I think it is really too far from our own life. Who can meet cartoonists, artists, university professors, advertising company presidents, gv company bosses in such extreme cases, most of us just commute to get off work. . Ordinary career, ordinary life.

Looking really handles this well, and the plot has twists, but the main focus is on the subtle emotions of the characters, those entangled between the male god and the spare tire, those compromises between morality and desire, those who clearly want to It is necessary to lack the careful thought that dare not say it, and some small contrived expressions that clearly do not want to lack embarrassment to express, those little unwillingness when seeing the happiness of the ex, and the little regret when seeing the current unsatisfactory, how delicate it is to describe.

As for the acting skills of the characters, most of QAF relies on major turning points, plots and lines to express the characters, and looking really wants to give trophies to three people! Every time I get together, I feel distressed when I see Richie looking at Papa, full of desire, unwillingness, distress and doting. Although Papa is a crybaby, every time he is so jealous but dare not express it, so envious and jealous. I feel so lonely, I really want to say it but I'm embarrassed, and I feel so shameless when I say it and I want to wash my face in front of my friends to comfort myself. Kevin even revealed the desire of the domineering president to push me with every little action. The last hug he kissed on his cheek and the kiss on his mouth, the turning around after pinching his ears and patting his cheeks.

It may be because of too much focus on details and emotions, resulting in a loose plot, lack of breaking points, not as fast-paced as traditional American dramas, resulting in a lack of stamina and a decline in ratings, but in retrospect, this drama is really worthy of praise. , Our life is like this, it is not bloody and there are not so many waves. What we have is these careful thoughts, love and being loved, escape and responsibility, choice and growth, and everyone is no different.

It may be plain but realistic, and the audience doesn't like to watch it.

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