Everyone's youth has a Gui Lunmei

Gia 2022-10-18 15:30:42

In the movies featuring Jay Chou, I only saw Gui Lunmei.
I just started noticing her because of her name. When I saw her on TV, she was such a thin and plain girl. Then pure white really appeared, eyes lowered.
Later, I saw some MVs sporadically, but I was not very impressed.
Until the blue door made me remember her deeply. So natural. Just like an ordinary girl around us.
This time, "The Secret That Can't Be Said", the plot is okay, you can roughly know the end by looking at the beginning.
But I really like Guilun magnesium.
I like her thin and broken hair, her voice, the way she cry, her nose is red, and tears slide down her bulging face. So sad.
Looking at it, tears fell.
Not all because of the plot.
Just because, on her body, I see a lot of familiar faces.
One by one, so warm and lively open.
I think of the warm and bright faces frowning and crying in my youth, yes, just because I saw you crying, I couldn't help crying together.
Everyone's youth has a Guilunmei.
She may transform into human figures one after another and appear beside you. She may be your dearest and dearest, or she may be just an occasional passer-by outside the window of a video store. Maybe it's yourself.
Tonight, it is Gui Lunmei who reminds me of you again. In Gui Lunmei, there is you and me.
I really miss that period of youth that can never go back and the youth when I was brave and frantically squandered my emotions.

Juvenile Gui Lunmei is a catalogue that allows me to find many of you.

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