Unspeakable, only God knows

Asha 2022-11-21 18:56:22

At first, I didn't watch it because I didn't have confidence in Jay Chou's acting skills.
I have nothing to do tonight, I watched this movie.

His expressionless face also matched this feeling of innocence.
Think about life, most of the time people are expressionless.
That youthful age was the same for first love.
There is a depressing beauty at the end of the plot, and I also firmly believe that the world is not perfect.
Once owned, let him bear it alone, watch silently, and let her forget it.

Although the ending of the story does not conform to the principle of "time refutation", it is enough for me to be moved by the artistic effect.

I've seen many similar films before, and I remember one of them was traveling through time and space through a desk and delivering letters. The desk was gone, and the last old post office that could be delivered was also demolished. They lost contact since then. He found it after many twists and turns. He saw her granddaughter took out a photo she treasured, and he found her old residence. A yellowed photo of him. After going out, he wandered the street alone, and suddenly saw a woman who looked just like her. . .

Can anyone tell me what this movie is called?

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