life and death

Grady 2022-04-24 07:01:23

The ancient and quiet music school and the beautiful sea view of Danjiang are enough to brew a love with clean words and tactful words. She came through time and space, and only the person she saw first could see her; he followed the sound of the piano, and the moment he pushed the door, he crashed into a trap of fate. Like all young people, love is inseparable from laughter and slapstick, there are conversations that go unnoticed, and feelings grow secretly. It's just a happy moment, and often you can't hear the voice-over of fate.
——You seem to like playing the piano with one hand?
- So that I can hold you with the other hand.
- Tell you a secret.
——From the piano room to the classroom, a total of 108 steps.
Pure love movies still like Japan and Taiwan the most, because even the simple dialogue, in Japanese or the soft Mandarin with Taiwanese accent, has a feeling of wanting to say something, and the swaying ending sound is amorous. Thousands of kinds, unprovoked and thought-provoking. If you think about it in English, the words are cut crisply and crisply, which is more suitable for "Friends" or "Prison Break".

He could not have imagined that she counted the steps so that he could see him at a glance every time; just as he could not have imagined that she did not appear, not because she did not come to class, but because he could not see her. Passing by and just turning a blind eye. I heard that in France, a blind beggar
wrote a sentence on the card in front of him: "Spring is coming, but I can't see her." Later, I finally realized in tears that some people, once they miss it, they will never be. Too much haste, too late to retain, too many eyes, too late to stop. I thought that such a young cliff would have such a long life, but if I look back and count it, I will find how many regrets I have hurriedly missed. It turns out that no matter how you move and dodge, it is still no match for the overturning of fate. The first time I saw him, I blinded every future eye. He closed his eyes and carefully calculated every step, but he couldn't guard against the danger of missing a foot.

Electric light. stone fire. Cool autumn.

I love Gui Lunmei very much. She has no delicate facial features, but has cool eyebrows and eyes, a sweet smile, and a kind of romance and playfulness quietly grows in her slenderness and softness. Thinking of such a smart woman, she has to sit alone and keep difficult secrets, endure the loneliness and loneliness of changing things, only Yi Yi's love that is often unspeakable, and the sensitive exhaustion of her youth, she can't help it.
The late sketch in the score is exactly the same as the silhouette on the back of the library card in "Love Letter". The cruelty of being missed, the irreparable loss, shows the hideousness of the truth. Nalan said in his words, one pair of people from generation to generation, fighting for two places of ecstasy. Lovesick and see each other but not blind date, for whom spring is the sky. The distance of time, the barrier between life and death, is probably more depressing and helpless than space.

The cold coffee left the coaster
, the emotions I held back, and I
desperately tried to save the past.
It was still clearly visible on my face. The
most beautiful thing was not a rainy
day . Not sweet , you said let go of love gradually and you will go further , why change the time you missed You use your fingertips, point at me and say goodbye Imagine you are by your side, before you lose it completely, you said let go of love gradually and you will go farther Maybe fate's sign only makes us meet and only makes us fall in love. After the fall of this season, I found out that how to pick up and travel through time and space will always be accompanied by a logical paradox in time, but in this episode In front of the beautiful love that is delicate but has a bright ending, the loopholes in the ending may be ignored and ignored.

PS: Xiaomei is too stupid, tell Jay Chou the secret earlier, how fun it is for the two to travel in time and space together! This strange suspense made me think it was a ghost movie for a while~~ Jay Chou put a lot of poses in this movie and showed off his piano skills, but he looks a bit old compared to Xiaomei... ...Also, on the blackboard of Jay Chou's first class, Fang Wenshan was actually written in the column for students on duty. I was sweating madly~~~~

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