Jay Chou's Secret

Kaylee 2022-04-24 07:01:23

"The Secret That Can't Be Said"
is self-written, directed, and acted. It is the highest level of filmmaking, not to mention its quality. Just having this determination and strength is already amazing. There are only a handful of people who can do it. Lord is one, and Jay Chou is also one. It is said that this story was adapted from Jay Chou's first love, which made a good publicity for the movie. In order to achieve the effect of becoming popular before it was released, although the story developed later Lack of logic, but with the theme of youth campus + Jay Chou's first love + the love performance of the male and female protagonists, the film itself still has a certain degree of watchability.

The film uses the piano as the main selling point, and Jay Chou's piano skills are really nothing to say. First The climax appeared when Xiao Lun and the campus piano prince were playing the piano. So far. As the difficulty of fighting the qin deepens, the sweet music rises one after another, and our mood also rises (it turns out that fighting the qin is so interesting). In addition to purifying the ears, it is also eye-opening, although the result ended in a draw, but Everyone can see that Xiao Lun's skills are better. Next, is Xiao Lun and Xiao Yuqing's love affair, go to school to talk and laugh together, ride a bicycle after school to take his girlfriend home, the relaxed and romantic first love is beautiful and touching, making people yearn for It just so happens that both parties in love are talented and beautiful, and a beautiful relationship will always be memorable. No wonder classmate Zhou still remembers it fresh and wants to take it out and put it on the big screen.

The so-called unspeakable secrets are all derived from a score "SECRET" People who have finished playing this piece can travel 20 years to the future or go back to the past (it's amazing). I can't help but ask: where can I buy it. Xiaoyu got this score by accident, and then came to 20 years After the campus, he met Xiao Lun, and a surprising love affair started. When the truth of the story came out, it really terrified people. It can be regarded as Jay's version of "The Ghosts of the People".

It has long been known that Jay Chou's films are not just as simple as love. They should be regarded as science fiction supplemented by love as the main focus. By the way, some thrillers are interspersed to help you refresh your mind. Because the second half is about Xiaoyu's story 20 years ago, here is the story. There is nothing about Xiao Lun, so it is boring to count it. But it is not so simple to travel through time and space. You have to play certain tunes in the old piano room of the school, and after 20 years, most people will not be able to see you. , exists like a ghost. The good is tempting, the bad is deadly. The final climax is when Xiao Lun plays "SECRET" quickly in the old piano room that is about to be demolished, the roof collapses beside him and his arm is seriously injured , When the blood from the fingertips dripped on the keys, Xiao Lun played the whole song, and the house completely collapsed. At this moment, the female friends present were frightened. Fortunately, Xiao Lun returned to the past safely. What is worth worrying about is what will he do? Go back.

Although there are few jokes in this film, they are also quite solid. Xiao Lun's two live friends, Aaron and Abao, are a joke. Whenever the two appear, they will always amuse the audience. The funniest is Aaron imitating Elvis Presley. The part of the model singing on the stage, Xiao Lun and Xiao Yu dance the dance in "Pulp Fiction" (strictly speaking, Xiao Lun should be dancing alone), and the smile is good. Another laughing point is Xiao Lun's father. , that is, the music teacher played by Huang Qiusheng. From "Initial D" to "The Secret That Can't Be Said", Huang Qiusheng has become Jay Chou's father for the second time, and he is even more handy in acting. The more you look at them, the more like father and son. Thanks to the superb acting skills of the old opera bones: asking his son to dance with him on a whim, his serious appearance makes people laugh; when he sees his son being unhappy, he plays and sings to ease the pressure on his son. Still having fun. These little details prove that being a good father is not so easy.

The handsome Xiao Lun has only one super-space girlfriend, which seems unreliable. No, the second heroine, Qingyi, makes a grand debut (the role is far less than Xiaoyu), but her sweet image and gentle personality leave a good impression on people. Impression. Maybe the girls will say that she won the love with a knife, but you have to think about it carefully that she met Xiao Lun first, and it is reasonable to like him. But a kiss with Xiao Lun was cheaper for her, probably The director thought about balancing the two heroines. As the first heroine, Gui Lunmei's role is definitely no less than that of Jay Chou. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the story revolves around her. The impression that Gui Lunmei gave us She is a fresh and pure beauty. Not only does she pass the test, but she also has no acting skills. As early as in "The Blue Door", she showed amazing acting talent.

Jay Chou, who is a writer, director, and actor, deserves our applause. He really works like a line. From the coolness in "Initial D" to the introverted fortitude in "The City Wears Golden Armor", this time again The true character (qualified). Jay Chou's acting skills have been improving. In this year's other commercial blockbuster "Slam Dunk", we will see Jay's heroic appearance again.

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