Jay Chou has revealed the "unspeakable secret" in the music released before the movie

Violette 2022-04-19 09:02:48

Discovering an open secret
Discovering an open secret, have you discovered it? In fact, the secret has been revealed in the lyrics of the movie theme song "The Secret That Can't Be Said" that was exposed in advance. Maybe Jay is testing our thinking~ ~~

For example: "The most beautiful thing is not the rainy day, but the eaves that have avoided the rain with you", this sentence revealed two movie plots.

"You said that if you let go of love gradually, you will go further, why should you change the time you have missed?"

"You said that if you let go of love gradually, you will go farther. Maybe the sign of fate will only let us meet."

These two sentences are even more vague Name the plot of the movie that travels through time and space.

"Only let us fall in love. In the autumn of this season, I found out after falling, how can I pick up this piece of happiness?"

It even wrote the kind of heart-piercing feeling at the end of the movie...

I don't know how many One can see the "secret" of this movie through the lyrics, but anyway, I suddenly feel that Jaylen has made the whole movie and all the soundtracks and theme songs in it perfectly blend together, giving a strong whole feeling and overall shock.

What is a good movie? Recognized by so-called "professionals"? That's actually the most superficial.

It can move people's hearts, be close to life and exaggerate, be recognized by the public, and have a box office. This is a good movie, so there is no doubt that Jay's "The Untold Secret" has achieved this.

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