I love you. Secret

Obie 2022-04-19 09:02:48

Catching up on the last midnight show.

I finished watching Joy's movie.
He and Gui Lunmei. Can't say. secret.

Can't get used to the dark night and flashing neon. Can't adapt to the indifferent and blind eyes in the crowd.
It seems like he hasn't recovered yet. Still immersed in the picture that just left.

Brown. With the warm fragrance of Xinpo. Filled with the smell of memories.

The picture is nice. So did he and she.

can remember.
He carried her. Happy face. she says. I like your background. He always is. Interpret his shy youth with his usual restraint. Yes. That's it. Always inadvertently looking for her and his shadow. together. Say something that doesn't matter. Smile from the heart. Fleeing a kind of happiness that others can't see. Only the shadow of each other's eyesight remains.

Senjue ancient woods. Intertwined. Wrap around a nice porch.

one slice. You can only see the sea when you climb up the roof. Look at you. Endless expanse.

blue sky. Big blooming clouds. warmth. soft.

wooden bridge. meander to the foot of the mountain.

Beside the wooden fence. Eaves for shelter from rain.

An old piano room with a history of more than 100 years. shrouded in mist.

And her home. A room with a view from sitting beside the piano.
his home. Book. and old record player.

The picture of the two is always too beautiful. The expression makes you all too familiar. That smile slips into your heart accidentally. There were tears. I don't know it myself.

There is always a sweet bitterness in my heart.

There is very little dialogue. The picture is too beautiful. The music is so good. Eyes are too subtle.
Everything is unspeakable.

knowledge. Chopard. piano poet.
His waltzes flow like poetry. Beauty spares no effort.
Know that they have been in love for ten years, but they are not together yet.

So she said. We have to cherish the time we have together.
So they play the piano together. dance together.

This is love in the wrong time and space.

she says. It's incredible that I can meet you.
she says. He was the first to see her for the first time. So only he could see her.

Everything is like a dream.

It's not a thriller. Not a suspense movie. Just one about love. But there was no time to speak. Just want to say but can't say it. A teenage movie with thrilling and suspenseful segments. Don't be too hard on it.

He is not well grim two. He was just trying to interpret the emotion that he didn't have time to appeal at that moment.

Joy and Faye Wong are both my favorites. their movies. Don't play someone else. Just be yourself. then. This is the best reality. The image relives a certain memory at that time. and yellowed old photos. Indescribable kindness.

I saw him holding fifteen apples in a silly way. It seems to remember that he once sang. Simple love.

Remember Duras said.
Loving each other but not talking about it may be a better way of embodying love than acknowledging it.

She said do you like me? I like you. She is very stubborn.

she says. I am Xiaoyu. I love you. Do you love me?

she says. Ye Xianglun. I love you.

Remember Duras said.
If you admit that you are in love, it may go downhill.

He really didn't seem to say anything.
Then he writes.

He listens to her.

Why should I cry to you. Don't understand it's for love.


I love you.
This is.
Unspeakable secrets.

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