A love that transcends time and space.

Lola 2022-04-19 09:02:48

Although I have read the introduction before I read it to know the general content.
But the movie itself still gave me an unexpected surprise of a long-lost reunion.

For Lun Mei, the first recognition of her should be on the MV of "Our Love".
At that time, I liked this skinny girl very much.
After that, I dug out the old film "The Blue Door" to see it.
I am still deeply impressed by Meng Kerou, who is so pure in age and soul.

In addition, it was unimaginable that Lun Mei and Jay Chou, who couldn't even speak clearly, were paired together in the film.
But what is surprising is that their partner shooting did not show any awkwardness at all.
On the contrary, the two cooperated quite tacitly.
Except that the long-distance borrowing of the kiss is really a little fake. . .

This is Jay's first self-directed film.
The selection of the screen is quite beautiful.
The quaint and somewhat intriguing campus is simply awesome.
Crimson brick walls, turquoise blue grass and sky, chic and pure British school uniforms...
This light tone allows you to get the slightest release from work in this busy urban life.
Very cozy and comfortable.
The part of fighting the piano once again made us feel Jay's musical skills.
Although his piano fingers are not very beautiful. .
Looking at the dialogue characters in the play always feels like watching old events and old people.
So I was unconsciously moved by assimilation.
I think this should also be the purpose of any director making a film.
Whether it's the background music or the tone of the entire film, it touches every nerve of me just right.

The ending of the film is really wonderful.
The twists and turns, all the suspense gradually began to reveal.
The sudden arrangement was completely unbiased and just right.
Whether it is the arrangement of time or space, everything is so appropriate.
Although there are so-called logical bugs in the movie circulating on the Internet.
But to me, none of this matters at all.
What matters is how the whole film feels to you.
It's not "everyone is looking for the ballast", but it's something you can experience and be moved by yourself.

I'd say it was a pretty successful movie indeed.
Whether it is the selection of the movie script or the selection of the original soundtrack of the movie, it is quite good!
The whole movie is full of goosebumps.

Also have to mention is Huang Qiusheng.
For him, he will always play a supporting role that is not the first important role.
But in every performance and every character, he can express it so vividly.
I really have to make me admire him again.

Finally, I have to reiterate it here N times.
Everyone must go see this movie.
Enjoying is a beautiful thing.
I hope you, all of you can feel the same happiness as I do.

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