A bucket of weird popcorn

Jaren 2022-01-05 08:01:26

The invention of "Cinema Universe" can be regarded as an epoch-making masterpiece of Marvel Pictures (although the concept of breaking the wall of the dimension has already existed in comics and novels, it is Marvel that has truly completed the achievement of multi-dimensional integration in movies. ), it not only breaks the dimensional wall between movies to form a tightly integrated whole, but also each unit movie is relatively independent and can be individually created, thus a large number of excellent genre movies have appeared.

Although this model is contemptuous by many academia movie stars, its huge influence in the world is an indisputable fact. The "catch the foot" that has made a lot of money has made a lot of film companies be excited and eager to try:

"DC Universe", "Monster Universe", and "Dark Universe" that sees the light die.

The movie that Yami will introduce today is the pioneering work known as the "Warrior Cinematic Universe": "The Bloodbath."

1. Routines also have basic laws

①Fixed formula under industrial process

"Bloodman" is a format product based on the Hollywood industrial model. The screenwriter and director have memorized a fixed formula, and with a passing mentality, they have given a copy of the original with high expectations. They think " "Safe" answer:

However, the original fans don't buy it at all, and the ratings of Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB are simply horrible.

And the masses of people who eat melons also exclaimed "watching a bad movie" after watching the high-definition uncoded circulated on the Internet.

In terms of plot, the movie can only be said to be quite satisfactory: it is about an American soldier who accidentally died in a certain mission, so the technology company that covered the sky with his hands recovered his body and used nanotechnology to transform it into an adult weapon. The story of brainwashing him through the "stereo projector" and letting him kill the "enemies" on his own...

That said, it's kinda ----

The taste of old stories.

The rhythm of the movie is completely within the scope of the formula. There are no breakthroughs and highlights. It is a popcorn style that will be hilarious when you watch it, and you will forget it after you watch it.

The rating of the movie: PG13-13-year-old children can watch without distinction.

R-class dew points, bloody flesh and blood, and swear words are not there. Please take care of yourself.

With the strong output of Hollywood film culture today, not all visual effects films will explode in the market. The desire of movie viewers for spiritual culture is already leading the change in the film industry-from single to multiple; from quantitative to qualitative. develop.

The "safety" answer sheet not only applied formulas, but also tried to reverse the routine in a few scenes. But the screenwriter and director were slack in the control of the script, and there were many details errors. An ambition encountered a mental retardation, so the film was successful. Pulled into the quagmire, the catastrophe is overwhelming.

②Marvel Dafa's trick

The success of "Marvel Universe" is not accidental. It is the fact that countless behind-the-scenes workers have analyzed the market they face day and night, and then rigorously created the script in a unified way-grasping the whole and distinguishing between stages.

From single-soldier combat to alliance attack, Marvel has really done it without urgency and priority. Through the depiction of individual heroes, the meticulous narrative logic is loaded into each small event and will be linked to the story in the future. Within the line, it is naturally expressed.

Among them, Marvel's biggest trick is the easter egg.

There are two kinds of easter eggs, "in the film" and "end credit".

The "in-the-film" easter egg is a test of the screenwriter's details. It is really good when a foreshadowing is buried for a few years and then used again;

The "end credit" easter egg is a link between the past and the next, giving you a kind of expectation, so that you can come as promised next time.

Can you imagine how important the Easter eggs at the end of "Iron Man" were? The director said "Do you think you are the only superhero in the world?" It directly opened a movie era belonging to Marvel.

And this "pioneering work" has forgotten such an important operation of easter eggs, how can it be "universe".

Although DC's Justice League is still powerless under the blessing of the Easter Egg Halo, he occasionally beats him, but even himself is afraid of existence.

Even Legendary Pictures’ “Monster Universe” has added the Emperor’s Organization as a source of Easter eggs in the story line, which can truly connect with the past and the future. .

Although the warrior comics are not well-known in China, according to statistics, his family's superheroes are as high as more than two thousand. If they fight in groups, they will not lose the momentum.

Originally in the second dimension, they were still gearing up and wanting to appear in the universe, but "Blood" only remembered that they were single-handed, and they had forgotten a group of friends.

2. This soldier is a bit dumbfounded

①I never plan

It is the first mentally retarded mistake made by the screenwriter to allow the highly resilient fighters to repeatedly use the low-level tactics of blocking the gun's eye to win.

This not only minimizes the fun of the movie, but also makes the viewing process very tormenting: it is really unbearable to stand such a straight and meaningless fight-the strong resilience setting plus no dodge or dodge makes the action scenes. Any suspense at all.

②If there is too much flour, it will explode

As a common sense of physics, when the concentration of flour in the air reaches a certain level, it will explode when exposed to an open flame.

When the screenwriter starts to ignore the common sense of physics and light a fire randomly in the flour-filled tunnel, you just want to criticize the last sentence: M's mental retardation.

③The villain is too weak and boring

The bloodthirsty warrior doesn't know tactics, and if he doesn't have an IQ, he can endure it. In the end, he doesn't hide from a grenade.

After some careful analysis, the villain is probably so weak that even the screenwriter doesn’t know how to fight, but he can’t just fool around like that. Arrange two grenades for special effects to walk through the scene. You can’t put out an Iron Man suit for the villain, after all. Funds are limited.

④ It is another parallel universe

Bloodthirsty warriors in various countries around the world assassinated many scientific and technological talents, but the police, military, and even political forces have never questioned and intervened.

In this way, the screenwriter may really come from a parallel universe.

3. A bucket of strange popcorn

①The story setting of Five Scents

The abilities of the Bloodthirsty look fierce, but his many lessons from the predecessors made the plot progress very embarrassing: at first you thought you were watching Robocop Rebirth, then the style of painting quickly changed to a deadpool slaughter agent team, and then there was another one. Mission Impossible reversed, and finally upgraded the US team's elevator chaos.

The five flavors are overflowing, and the stewed vegetables are coming up.

②A creamy love episode

The movie is actually testing the red line of PG13.

The one-night spring night drama, under such a classification, has the meaning. It must be topless and the light is so bright, lest others will not see it. The atmosphere is really creamy and the entrance is drunk.

③The original Tang boss

Since Van Diesel's role in "Quick Excitement", his interpretation of the role seems to have been circled around the image of Donald Trump: emphasizing the importance of his family and the integrity of his own image.

Although this is not a big problem, it is very interesting to put it in the movie. I think I am watching the "Quick Excitement" rumor, and sometimes I am really afraid that the line "We are family" will pop out of his mouth.

He belongs to the original taste.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the word-of-mouth box office of "Blood Warrior" is not accidental.

As a pioneering work, it lacks not only funds, but also a heart to create with great concentration.

Film creation is not easy, and masterpieces are rare. Under the mature operation mode of the modern film industry, many "formula" films gradually entrenched the market, forming a huge wave that swept the world, but after the huge wave, they can still stay. It is the crystallization of the times and the mainstay of the movie.

(More exciting, all in the "Yemi Watching Movie" public account)

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Bloodshot quotes

  • Dr. Emil Harting: Your nanites are down. All that's left is Ray Garrison!

    Ray Garrison: And that's enough.

  • KT: [to Ray] Well, the military only anonymously donates the remains of soldiers who weren't claimed by family.


    KT: Sorry, sometimes you just gotta rip off the Bandaid, it helps to get through the pain of it quicker.