sci-fi in horror

Green 2022-10-11 01:50:15

After watching this film first, my first impression was that it was at most three stars. I was confused in the front, and suddenly turned around without thinking. I suddenly didn't know what the film was trying to express. However, looking back and thinking that this film is a bit philosophical, let's try to analyze it randomly.

After watching all of them, the main line of this film can be summarized as a few protagonists whose real identity is the mold warrior. They failed to protect the target family in the Afghanistan battlefield and caused their tragic death. They are also called vetrulek's revenge by Muslims (this is what the film said) As a result of serious injuries, the entire team was sent to an advanced medical recovery method simulating the battlefield of World War II for treatment and recovery. However, in the simulated scene, the five protagonists were repeatedly harassed by ghosts and other strange phenomena, and they were exhausted and almost collapsed. The male protagonist finally struggled to wake up from the simulation and returned to reality, and realized what had happened. He wanted to return to the simulation to calm down the anger of the ghost and save his comrades, but he cleared his previous memory during the simulation and woke up from the woods again. Everything starts from scratch...

Regarding this very sci-fi treatment process, I guess the original intention is to erase the relevant memories first, and then replace their original identities in the real world with the familiar faces, and finally let the death of the Muslim family be regarded as a murderous enemy in their consciousness. Do it, allay the guilt of standing by and the mental anguish that Muslim mother vetrulek inflicted on them. The general idea of ​​what the medical center doctor said was to simulate the World War II scene was because there was less contact with the real world and unnecessary troubles were reduced. Let the CIA connector in the real world become the NPC they take over the task in the simulation, and let the Muslim family become the French who sheltered the Jews and were killed by the evil Nazis. If this treatment is carried out perfectly, it seems logical that it can eliminate the negative mental effects caused by the failure of these few molds in reality. (The leader of the several German troops killed by ambush was actually a doctor. This doctor is too interesting).

However, the simulation is not so simple after all. The Muslim family became a ghost and repeatedly tormented the dying mold team, and followed in the simulation... So do ghosts exist? I think the ghosts in the simulated world in this film do exist, exist in the subconscious, and are similar to Inception. The influence of the subconscious on the simulated world is against external presuppositions, rejecting unreal external implants, and has been trying to awaken Real memory and escape from the simulated world. In the previous simulation scene, the unfinished vetrulek on the walls of the house is a strange hallucination, and the sniper is most affected by this word; "I have no legs" spelled out by hearing the strange sound in the room; changes in the diary text and recorded content; "This is not Really"; the phantom itch of the scratching brother at the beginning and the phantom limb of the seriously injured brother. Wait, etc., everything is their subconscious fighting against the simulation, and gradually guide them out of the simulation. And the seriously injured brother died after leaving the simulation, I don't know if it is because of the recovery of memory, mental breakdown or other reasons. It seems that the captain and the male protagonist are not in serious trouble when they leave the simulation, and they can insist on going back to the simulation.

As for the simulated world, their consciousness is not right, "We don't shit", "When did you learn Arabic again", the natural instability is facing collapse, may it consume more power? Therefore, the lights flashed in reality, and this is definitely not the ghost killing reality. The male protagonist is obsessed with going back and trying again, but the memory of the restart of the simulation world has been washed again, and he has returned to the night when the woods were stared at by cigar-smoking Muslim ghosts. I wish him good luck this time. However, I still think that the Muslim family and the events of the day have taken root in his subconscious, and this kind of simulated therapy will not save them. Finally, I feel that vetrulek can have a Chinese translation, that is, I will not let you go if I am a ghost.

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Ghosts of War quotes

  • Title Card: This war will not end. With every mile my body and spirit break. Every jolt makes brittle my mind. Each step pulls me further from home until I am the shell of the man that kissed my mother goodbye a forever ago.

    Title Card: And I tense endlessly. Not knowing which will arrive first, the bullet that takes my life or my final chance for redemption. -D. Werner, 18 years old, WWII Private 1st Class