Not World War II, but the illusion of wounded soldiers in the Afghan campaign

Fabian 2022-11-17 06:04:21

The first half is a mediocre World War II ghost movie. The plot at the end of the show is reversed, and highlights are popped up, from a ghost movie to a sci-fi movie... It turned out to be a modern battle in Afghanistan, where 5 American soldiers were bombed and maimed, and the computer simulated World War II. Information implanted in the brain to treat soldier trauma...

In 1944, in France occupied by the Nazis, the captain of the U.S. team, Corris, the sniper Tarbert, Butch, Kirk, and the telegraph operator Eugene, went to the German High Command, which was driven away by the 82nd Airborne Division, and five people had to stick to it. Castle headquarters... On the way, 5 people blew up a German jeep with a mine... Then, they met a group of Jews who had escaped from the concentration camp...

When they came to the castle, the 5-member team found that the originally stationed team slept on the floor of the hall, and as soon as they saw the shift changer, they hurriedly packed their luggage and left. Because they left in a hurry, they also pulled down a luggage, as if there was something to hide... …

This castle was originally the residence of the Herwig family. Although the Herwig family had French royal blood, they hid and rescued the Jews, so they were massacred by the Nazis...

At night, Collis let sniper Tarbert sleep in the attic, scouting the surroundings with his commanding advantage. But sniper Tarbert saw a strange soul in the attic... Eugene also saw a strange phenomenon in the basement warehouse...

The next day, the supplies that originally arrived were not delivered. Instead, a group of 50 German troops came from Nuremberg and went to the Strasbourg camp on the radio. They would definitely come to collect food when passing by. The sniper Tarbert thought that staying in the castle was tantamount to being caught in its urn, and suggested to ambush in the woods and wait for an opportunity; but Captain Corris insisted on obeying the order to stay here...

At night, a German truck and infantry came, and the sniper Tarbert used the Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I sniper rifle to snipe down in the attic, killing many German soldiers... Collis and other 4 people were in the hall Stick to fighting back, - except for Eugene, who is holding a Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I rifle, the other three are M1 submachine guns (if you ask why the American rifle is not a Springfield rifle or an M1 Garand rifle, but the British army Standard rifle, then I tell you, because this is a British film); but the ammunition is limited, and there will be no bullets after a few shots; even worse, the German army threw a long-handled grenade, butch in order to save everyone, Desperately pounced on the grenade... The grenade exploded, and Butch lay in a pool of blood—but he wasn't dismembered...

The German army rushed into the house. In a critical moment, the ghosts of the Herwig family appeared and either hanged the German army, burned or drowned...

After the German army was cleared, Collis and the other four found that Butch was still alive, his arm was blown off, and Eugene bandaged him and injected him with morphine... After that, Butch died after being possessed by a ghost and talking wildly...

After negotiating with the four others, Corris decided to risk being sent to a military court, evacuated from here, and returned to the base camp... On the way, the four met the same group of Jews who had escaped from the concentration camp when they came... From dawn to dawn Hei, the 4 of them have been going around in circles and can't get out at all - the ghost doesn't want them to leave... Chris thinks they can only get out of the siege by giving the Herwig family a reasonable funeral, but they don't know that the Herwig family's body was killed Buried where. Eugene found the diary of 18-year-old German soldier Dieter Werner in the underground warehouse, but the last page of the burial was torn off...

In the end, Chris and the other four were led by ghosts to find the barn where the bodies were hidden, and properly buried the Herwig family; while chanting the scriptures, Eugene found that the last page of the diary said that the Herwig family were Afghans. Helping Jews flee to America...

Back in the house, the four were attacked by the ghosts of the Herwig family. In panic, Chris woke up and found himself lying in the hospital with both legs amputated. The attending doctor told him that he was injured while serving in Afghanistan.— ——Corris woke up at this time, the so-called World War II was just his own dream hallucination, and he also remembered the scene of his military service in Afghanistan:

A 5-member team of Collis, Tarbert, Butch, Kirk, and Eugene went to the Doctor Herwig family; Herwig has been collecting intelligence for the US military, but his identity was discovered by the Taliban, so this time he went to transfer his family ... But when they arrived at their home, the Taliban commandos came, and the five had to hide in a dark room.

After the Taliban entered the house, they pointed out that Herwig was a traitor and tied up his family. His daughter was hanged, his son was drowned, and Herwig was burned to death. Originally, the 5 Kriss were going to make a surprise rescue, but then came the armed RPG. The 5 Taliban soldiers with bazooka had to stop...

After the Taliban left, the five had just left the house. Herwig's wife took out a time bomb and perished with the five Collis...

After 5 people were injured, Corris was sent to a special hospital in the United States for rescue. Computer simulation information was implanted into the human brain to produce simulated hallucinations of World War II to treat the psychological trauma of the soldiers... After Butch woke up, he found his body and closed his eyes and died. ...

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Ghosts of War quotes

  • Title Card: This war will not end. With every mile my body and spirit break. Every jolt makes brittle my mind. Each step pulls me further from home until I am the shell of the man that kissed my mother goodbye a forever ago.

    Title Card: And I tense endlessly. Not knowing which will arrive first, the bullet that takes my life or my final chance for redemption. -D. Werner, 18 years old, WWII Private 1st Class