Ghost of War is a hodgepodge

Birdie 2022-12-23 20:48:15

Eric Brace can seamlessly combine the three elements, and can also tell a fairly self-consistent sci-fi story. It can be seen that the sword is not old, as long as you hold it hard, you can still make interesting movies. .

At the beginning of "Ghost of War", it is telling the story of the five heroes of the French castle .

During World War II, a five-man U.S. military team was ordered to garrison a French castle. After they marched to the castle, they settled down, and soon a 50-man German army came over. The two sides fought fiercely in the castle, and the fight was not lively.

Americans and Germans fought on French soil. what on earth is this kind of happenings? Because you can never capture France before France surrenders. French lands can be occupied or defended by other countries. Of course, this is a joke. In fact, it is not because the French army was killed by the British, so I will not say more about these digressions.

In the film, he is also playing daily insults. Their homeland is occupied by people of various countries in turn, and the fighting power of the French army is not as good as ghosts. If you want to abide by the "rules" that you can't become refined, I'm afraid it's not the quantum army that came through. In a trance, I seem to see the quantum army in "Ball Lightning".

Looking at the middle of "Ghost of War" again, it has become a horror movie configuration.

Audiences don't have to doubt their own eyes, and the castle begins to come into close contact with ghosts under the name of the Allies and Nazis. In the strange castle, everything shows that a very tragic tragedy has happened in the castle.

The horror elements in the film still rely on the most old-fashioned Jump Scar, using sound effects and editing to complete the frightening effect. If viewers don't plan to watch horror movies at first, they are likely to be caught off guard.

And the solution to resolve the grievances of ghosts is also the most common solution in horror movies. First find out the reason for the haunting, find the crux of the ghost's resentment, and then calm down the matter with kind words.

Finally, at the end of "Ghost of War", the film has become a science fiction movie.

The leading soldier in front of the charge was a tool of imperialist aggression when he was alive, but he still could not live in peace after his death, and became a guinea pig in the imperial medical research.

According to the saying in the film, "World War II is the most gentle scene that promotes brotherhood." The British think so for their own reasons. After all, after the Dunkirk Escape, it was the French army who could gain the greatest benefit with the least loss. . Those who believed in this sentence were sold by the British, and the British who said it did not believe it themselves.

Science fiction is mixed with some mysticism, and the style of the film is more diverse.

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Extended Reading

Ghosts of War quotes

  • Title Card: This war will not end. With every mile my body and spirit break. Every jolt makes brittle my mind. Each step pulls me further from home until I am the shell of the man that kissed my mother goodbye a forever ago.

    Title Card: And I tense endlessly. Not knowing which will arrive first, the bullet that takes my life or my final chance for redemption. -D. Werner, 18 years old, WWII Private 1st Class