The words of the wise are still in my ears, and history repeats itself again and again

Eldora 2022-04-24 06:01:01

Watching this movie under the current changes in the international society, I feel inexplicably moved. Freedom, democracy, equality and fraternity seem to be slowly progressing. Suddenly, at such a special time, special place, and special event, the veil of tenderness suddenly torn, and the hideous truth blinded the eyes of the world. Is it an endless tug-of-war for human nature to defeat animal nature? When the world is peaceful, there is another situation when conflicts of interest are robbed of me. Those who are inexplicably superior and bully, please use this film as a daily bible, three provinces a day, especially those in high positions, don't do stupid things, don't say stupid things, be born kind. Praise Dr. Jin for calmly, rationally, bravely and firmly leading the underprivileged to fight for their legitimate rights. Today's Governor Wallace is reborn again, where are you today, Dr. King.

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Selma quotes

  • Ralph Abernathy: This information, coming from the FBI, I assume from a high level, the same high level that's been tracking us like animals?

  • Martin Luther King Jr.: No, Sheriff Clark, we're going in the front.

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