The Sun Also Rises

Vaughn 2022-04-20 09:02:25

This is a depressed place, this is a prosperous place;

It's a dark season, it's a light season;

It is a winter of despair, it is a spring of hope;

This is an ordinary time, this is a heroic time;

We are on the way to hell, we are on the way to heaven;

Where else can the galloping train go except to the Cassandra Bridge, which is bound to collapse?

What has been done will be done again; what has been done will be done again. There is nothing new under the sun.

As Wuhan and Hubei are all closed down, I hope we can unite and overcome the difficulties together!

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The Cassandra Crossing quotes

  • Col. Stephen Mackenzie: [On speaker phone] I don't have to tell you what we're up against!

    Dr. Jonathan Chamberlain: What you're up against? I may be the only doctor for a thousand potential plague victims if I haven't caught it myself.

    Col. Stephen Mackenzie: That's exactly why it's important to contain the disease now and why you'll all be heading for an isolation facility in Poland, where you'll get the very best...

    Dr. Jonathan Chamberlain: In the meantime, what do you intend I fight it with? Aspirin?

  • Dr. Jonathan Chamberlain: You can wash for a week. It will not make the slightest bit of difference.

    Jennifer Rispoli Chamberlain: What would you prescribe, doctor?

    Dr. Jonathan Chamberlain: Stop breathing! That is how the disease is transmitted.