"No One Less" movie review

Makayla 2022-04-20 09:02:25

Very realistic. What impressed me the most was that Mr. Wei kept his promise that "no one is missing" and worked hard to keep his promise. The second is the indifference of the man in the train station to this teacher Wei and the indifference of the guards in the reception room to Teacher Xiao Wei. The city is lively, which is reflected in the little boy answering media questions about what is good about the city. He replied that there is this and that in the city. Just lively. The most impressive answer is begging. It makes people feel bitter. Also indifferent. The countryside is poor, because poverty also has indifference, but there is also warmth. The warmth in the city is also wrapped in a hard shell, which is polite and estranged. Another impressive thing is the diary written by the little girl. I was sad because Mr. Wei didn't care about the students and the chalk was stepped on. I think Mr. Wei doesn't cherish chalk. A sincere heart. Another impressive thing is that the children can only buy 2 cans of Coke with the 6 yuan left over from the moving bricks. This shows that the price of Coke has not risen for so many years. The problem reflected behind the film is the gap between urban and rural areas. Although it does not involve the education of the city and the comparison between the two, but looking at the prosperity of the city can give a glimpse. The clothes of the city people, the clothes of the village children (dirty, strange color, too large size), and the other working child who took Mr. Wei to the train station to find someone after entering the city are still just tool people, only Learn to ask for a reward. All departments of the unit act in accordance with the rules and regulations, and there is no room for accommodation. A door, some procedures, some tools. Isolate those who need help from the door, and the feeling of inferiority comes out. Between people, you can ask for directions, you can point the way, superfluous, sympathy for children, empathy, completely invisible, everything is so hard. There were no good people back then. In the follow-up, the little boy's family is still in poverty, his mother is still lying in bed without the ability to work, his father is still dead, and the family still has a lot of foreign debts? He can now be retrieved to continue school. In such a family environment, can this child withstand the pressure? How long can he persist? He may not be able to finish the nine-year compulsory education. Too much energy to consider the family's economic situation, is he still willing to study, can he learn well, and how much difficulty does he have to overcome? The follow-up is undoubtedly a tragic ending. Although the movie is about 1999, is this still the case? I think there is. In the past, no matter how broken the school was, there was still a school in the village, and children could go to school on foot. There should not be many places with schools in the village now. Some parents who can only stay in the village due to various factors are expected to send their children to the town for school. , if there is a little boy in this situation, it is estimated that these children in elementary school will give up and do not meet the conditions (conditions for pickup, learning conditions). The current teachers, who have not suffered from hardships, cannot sympathize with the poor family and the poor psychological environment of such a child. If the classmates do not understand, the child will not be able to get along in the school and will not be able to stay. And the current capital is also unwilling to turn its attention to this kind of group without oil and water. Their situation can be imagined. Combined with the current education policy, it is similar to "let those who have the conditions get rich first". Those who have money can smash their children to go to high school, they can go to high school, and those who do not have the conditions can also go to school. But the final result can be as Xinhua Dictionary says, Xiao Ming became a worker, Xiao Hong became a civil servant, and I became a salesperson in a store. We all have a bright future. Do we all have a bright future?

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Not One Less quotes

  • TV Host: Do you like the city?

    Zhang Huike: Yes.

    TV Host: What is good about it?

    Zhang Huike: The city is beautiful and prosperous. Much better than the country.

    TV Host: What's the most lasting impression?

    Zhang Huike: That I had to beg for food. I will always remember that.