chance and necessity

Abby 2022-04-19 09:02:45

Wei Minzhi is completely unqualified as a teacher. She is thirteen years old, and she is a hairy child. How can she manage the students? I just graduated from primary school, I have very little knowledge reserve, I can't use it myself, how can I teach students? She has a dull personality and is not good at words. On the first day of teaching, until noon, she just sat there and watched the children make trouble outside the classroom. How to bring the children on the right track? In a panic, she only thought about herself and was willing to sacrifice everyone. She made up her mind to go to Zhang Huike, just to get the 50 yuan as a substitute for the class. She didn't consider that other students' families were also poor, so she went to Zhang Huike. , regardless of what she would do when she was absent from other classmates, how could she be a teacher?
But Wei Minzhi, as an ordinary person, even a representative of the rural people, is very lively. She is willing to come to the remote Shuiquan Village where other teachers are unwilling to come to the substitute textbooks to get the 50 yuan for the substitute fee, which is not the case. It's hard to understand why she hid a girl with sports skills and prevented her from going to school in the county town because she always remembered Teacher Gao's advice that "no one is missing". After Zhang Huike went to work in the city, she hurriedly tried to find a way to call him back. . But in the process of pursuing money, her actions exceeded the purpose of pursuing money itself, and gradually revealed her simplicity and persistence as a person, so after moving bricks, she got 15 yuan more than 6 yuan. At that time, I shared two bottles of Coca-Cola with the children in my class, so I took the lead woman working in Shuiquan Village to the train station to find someone. After 6 broadcasts, there was no news of Zhang Huike. In the end, her persistence at the TV station door for a day and a half moved the director, so she had the opportunity to participate in the educational program and finally found Zhang Huike. In her, we can really see the simplicity, single-mindedness, and persistence of the rural people.
At the end of the film, everyone was happy. The TV station's car sent Wei Minzhi and Zhang Huike back to the school with chalk, stationery and money, which solved the urgent need for the lack of educational resources in Shuiquan Village. The loss of Zhang Huike in the film is a major turning point for Wei Minzhi's image. In fact, in life, there is basically no situation where she goes to work and gets lost, so it does not show Wei Minzhi's persistence and glorious image. Her search will only show that she doesn't care In the big picture, leaving the other 26 children aside, she can only be that unqualified Teacher Wei. The accident of Zhang Huike's loss and the fact that the director paid attention to her letting her be on the show was an accident that led to a happy ending at the end of the film. Therefore, aside from accidents, there will inevitably be dilapidated classrooms, completely unqualified teachers, and rural children who have smart brains and talents but cannot learn knowledge and see the future in rural China.
As a rural child who grew up in a similar environment, I didn't feel anything when I was growing up, but after coming into contact with urban education and urban life, I looked back and looked at the rural children who were in the same environment before and now. Sad, especially when those naive children are in such an environment without knowing it, when they grow up, there will be a wound in their hearts that cannot be repaired.

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Not One Less quotes

  • TV Host: Do you like the city?

    Zhang Huike: Yes.

    TV Host: What is good about it?

    Zhang Huike: The city is beautiful and prosperous. Much better than the country.

    TV Host: What's the most lasting impression?

    Zhang Huike: That I had to beg for food. I will always remember that.