Milton 2022-08-20 09:52:22

1. True Shuangwen, but this Shuangwen belongs to a god-level king, and ordinary humans cannot reach it. There is no way to do it anyway. And being forced to talk by those who can't help it is probably the biggest trouble for God. Thank you for your willingness to go down to the world to play basketball. You have worked so hard!

2. Jordan is indeed a god-level, extremely focused enough to shield everything, extremely professional enough to sacrifice everything, extremely tough enough to offend everything, extremely victorious but able to lose.

3. It is very important to have a heart that "can afford to lose" in competitive sports. "Affordable to lose" refers to the fact that if you lose, you can practice harder, stand firmer, and climb higher. Is it something God can do to lie down and vote against the enemy after being blown up, and use a trumpet to surf the Internet and scold mortals? Was it a god capable of being praised by the alliance since entering the industry, and then creating the precedent of the super giant newspaper group? If you don't accept it, you will do it. If you lose, you will be charged on the blacklist, and then you will go on the court to blow you up.

4. To be "independent", that is, to be psychologically tough and to be responsible. Usually it will make the players feel bad, the last ball on the field I have to do it myself, pass the ball? nonexistent. There will be many scenes of Jordan Kobe's lore in your mind, why don't you remember that James has so many? Because he chose to pass the ball. So Kobe is the most like Jordan, and Westbrook is the most like Kobe (regardless of actual performance and lore percentage, just the temperament). Before Kawaii leaves the Spurs, you will also hear the appreciation of Jordan's generation of old guys. The Jazz and Miller are also worthy of Jordan's opponents, although Jordan probably really hates them hahaha. But have you ever heard Jordan admire the "little emperor" from his heart? How can someone who came to the nineties with melee and tough gold be able to look at him (I don't deny that James is very good, and his agent is really strong). However, in terms of temperament, Duncan is considered a special case, and he is another true boss of his own style.

5. The film was launched during the 100-year-old epidemic shutdown period. This film is really messy. When the game restarts, it will only make real fans (not winning fans) and old fans (who have seen the golden age) feel more and more emotional. Gotta throw. Usually you can see the overall level of the Leopards NBA by looking at who the first person in the league or the top five people in the league is. David Stern maximized the commercial value and influence of the NBA when he was in office (here, stepping on Xiao Hua), but if it weren't for Jordan in the same period, would his commercial advancement be as smooth as that? Will the NBA still be like this? Of course, there is nothing wrong with the change of times, social media will bring more buzz and interference, and money will have more temptations. There is nothing wrong with the players' pursuit of commercial value. "Loyalty" is a matter of fate. It is more a rare emotion than an obligation. Just as "Happy Basketball" itself is fine (although I agree with "three-pointers ruining the league"), it depends on whether you, as a leader of the league, promoted the development of the sport or opened up history. The reversing of the car is also about the aesthetic shaping and the embodiment of the outlook on life. For the fans, it is a star chasing. There is no essential difference between the tiger jrs and the fan circle except that it does not need to play the rankings. But in the end, it will eventually return to "focus, professionalism, toughness, and competitive ambition". Players with historical status must stand the baptism of these. Oh yes, there is still time for the baptism. So after ten or twenty years, let’s look at how the historical status of James and Kobe will improve. The only thing we know is that Jordan's historical status will never change. He let the world know about basketball, and "forces" you to have to fall in love with basketball that you might not fall in love with.

6. In June 1998, we were approaching the end of junior high school. Because of Jordan, many boys naturally watched basketball at that time, while girls also "know" basketball because of their slam dunks. Although I am a girl, my dad has long been taken to watch the Bulls and Serie A. I still remember the morning of G6. The first sentence when I entered the class was that the guy sitting in my back row asked me "Who will win", and I said, "It's hard to say, that's Salt Lake City." Anxious, because I can only see the results when I go home from school at noon for dinner. After many, many years, when I really stood in front of the Snowy Mountains in Salt Lake City, that kind of anxiety came out in my heart: "Ah, this is the Salt Lake City that Jordan used to be the hardest to fight."

I am the one who has seen Jordan win a championship. This is a very, very, very, very, very glorious thing.

7. From a documentary perspective alone, the last five episodes are obviously better than the first five episodes. Finally, we had a melon. We saw Miller, Stockton and Payton. Why didn't you say Malone?

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