He's going to block Napoleon alone

Monroe 2022-04-21 09:03:17

"There was an old man, and everyone thought he took the wrong medicine. I remember, it seemed that the whole city had their heads raised and set on fire everywhere. He was going to block Napoleon by himself, but he was caught by a smuggler." "And Peace", I forgot the titles of all martial arts books, I only remember this one..." In

"Guling Street Teenage Murder Case", Honey and Xiao Si said this slowly. I watched the four-hour video three times.

Milan Kundera said: "Fiction seeks a kind of existence through imaginary characters", and the same is true for film. Reality is always finite, and existence means infinite. The 1960s in Taiwan were far away from us; however, the human condition was very close to us. The roommate said that some things need to be interpreted with life. Honey went to pick 217 alone, but was buried under the car; Xiao Si stabbed Xiao Ming's body with a knife, and the conversation between the two of them echoed in my ears, "In this world, I am the only one who treats you well, and only I can help you. I'm your only hope now, just like Honey used to be, because now, I'm Honey.", "You mean to help me change me, don't you? Change me? I'm just like this world, this The world will not change!" A person challenges the whole world and goes to death, but behind this death, there is the ultimate possibility of life. In the real world, despair and numbness, injustice and stupidity are all around us, but we are not Honey, and we are not four, under the discipline of rational tyrants, we can only give up infinite possibilities and act as spectators, because life is only once , but death embodies the ultimate value, and living can only mean compromise, how should we choose?

Violence is just a symbol, and history is only a possible way for the world to exist. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. We can't block Napoleon, we won't kill people; it doesn't matter whether it's counterattacking the mainland, liberating Taiwan, academically, politically, or any bullshit. The order is there, always there, and you can only feel personal powerlessness in the face of it. There is a scene that I always remember: Xiao Ming and Xiao Si were standing on both sides of the road and talking, with tanks passing by one after another. . . "

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