best epic chinese movies

Brooke 2022-04-20 09:02:25

There may not be a better epic movie in the Chinese-speaking world. It is impossible to see all the context of such a movie once, at least twice. From the entire turbulent situation to the smallest characters, this film explains everything clearly and clearly. For example, Xiaohu of the basketball team, such as Shandong's girlfriend Nerve, such as the little doctor's fiancee, these characters seem to be dispensable, but the director not only made them appear, but also made them flesh and blood. If you are not careful in such a vast movie, it is easy to become popular, and you cannot find the soul, but Yang Dechang avoided it. We have seen that the dignity of human nature has been destroyed many times and suffered injustice. Xiao Si uses destruction to maintain the pure dream in his heart. The edges and corners of Xiao Si’s father have also been smoothed out, and Hani, who was arrogant, was killed... But this dignity did not die, Didn't the gentle little doctor let out an angry roar? Xiao Si's second sister, who is a Catholic believer, burst into tears several times, which made us feel something. Her mission to Xiao Si was rejected. When Xiao Si agreed, it was too late.

This film deserves all the great accolades, probably the most famous of which is that it is an encyclopedia of Taiwanese society.

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