Running in the dark.

Arne 2022-04-20 09:02:25

If youth is a dream, then I hope I never wake up.
His youth came to an abrupt end when Xiao Si stabbed the knife into Xiao Ming's abdomen in the corner of Guling Street under the dim street lights.
The girl slipped quietly and fell in a pool of blood, but the young man tried to help her up and wake her up, just as he awakened the once immature and stubborn belief that the world was moving in the direction that he had identified at the beginning of his life. "I am just like this world, this world will not change" If this is true, then I choose to break with this world completely. So his youth still stopped there, it was those nights when he was hiding in the cramped sleeping compartment and holding a flashlight to write down his uneasy mood, it was the photo of the Japanese woman posted on the wall, it was the sweetness of the first acquaintance beside the haystack on the shooting range The afternoon when the girls sit side by side is the moment in the attic above the movie studio, where the adult stalks the filthy world, the surging night listening to the down-and-out teenage leader narrate the hero’s dream, and the baseball bat shattering the chandelier in the teaching hall in front of all the adults. Resolute, is to push the car to listen to my father who is still arguing about the road of life motto. "I read so many books, and I want to find a reason for being a person and doing things in the future. If you can't be brave enough to believe it in the end, then What's the point of being a human being?" Yes, what's the point of being a human being? So Hani was just like a child when he read it in his mouth just before being pushed down from behind by Shandong. Seek the most ethical solution to all problems in the way you think is the most spirited. The thickest martial arts novel "War and Peace" was his last belief. So Xiao Si's father was still pure like a child before he was destroyed by the secret police and the cold interrogation room to the last inch of his dignity. The creed that has not changed from Guangdong to Shanghai to Taiwan is nothing more than that hard work can achieve the future, and there is no need to apologize for the mistakes that have not been made. It is the simplest truth and a pure heart. So when Elvis turned away from the prison reception room, he read it, still as simple as a child. He really received a reply from the superstar in a far country, and he glimpsed the unknown wonderfulness of life from the fragmented American songs that were translated. The next corner is still "A Brighter Summer Day". In his belief, the disc has never been thrown into the trash can by the civil servants, just like the youth on Guling Street who never stopped running in the dark night, it was forever fixed in the immortal time.
All idealists have either died or been remodeled, or are still smiling imaginatively, or resisted angrily like the fourth.

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