Do you really need a whole pack of napkins?

Berenice 2022-04-19 09:02:49

I was pregnant at home and wanted to watch "Tangshan Earthquake", but my husband refused to watch it.
The reason is that a female colleague in his department was crying until she returned to the office last month when the unit organized the viewing. It is said that the audience who went to the cinema to watch the movie were given a pack of napkins each.
My husband didn't show it to me, because I was afraid that my emotionally rich I would cry so hard that it would affect the baby in my belly.
So I didn't watch it until my dad asked to watch it at home, and I couldn't hold back.
We joked with each other to see who cried first and who used up the pack of napkins first.
As a result, after more than half of the movie, we looked at each other, everyone was still calm, and from time to time we found some too obvious implanted advertisements and shouted.
We are wondering, is it necessary to use a pack of napkins to watch this movie? Or are our minds too strong or even numb?
Then, finally, fifteen minutes before the end, because of Xu Fan's wonderful performance in the movie when mother and daughter reunited, the three of us finally had red eyes.
Then the movie ended, we looked at each other, our eyes returned to normal, we turned off the TV, cooked food, and no one mentioned the movie again.
After that, I kept thinking, I have always been emotional, and I often cry when watching movies, what happened this time? Was it too much "vaccination" before? Or is there not many tears in the movie itself? Or did the propaganda of "everyone hand out a napkin for you to cry" played a very good role in arousing my strong curiosity but found that it did not live up to its name?
After thinking about this movie over and over again, I still feel that it is not right. Is it really as heartbreaking as the overwhelming publicity before it? I don't think so.
Under the title of "Tangshan Earthquake", what it is really talking about is the decades after the earthquake. With such a big span, it might be more appropriate to take back the original title of the novel "Aftershock".
And the changes in the city appearance and people's hearts in those decades are concentrated in one film, and the transition always feels very abrupt. Before the audience can react, the time "swoops" past ten years. No matter how the years go by, it is still a pity that there is no suitable foreshadowing.
I am not a native of Tangshan, and I have not experienced that huge disaster. I can only feel and imagine the indelible pain of the Tangshan people through the recent Wenchuan earthquake. This may not be fair to the movie, but I think most audiences in the country should only appreciate and understand it from the perspective of watching movies, just like me.
Even from this angle, I still think, in general, that's all.

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Extended Reading

Aftershock quotes

  • Li Yuanni: So who took care of you after you gave birth? What about the child's father?

    Fang Deng: He left the country. I lost touch with him.

    Li Yuanni: Didn't you ask someone to help find him?

    Fang Deng: He didn't want me anymore. What's the point?

  • Li Yuanni: [at tomb] Daqiang... you love me so much... that you have sent our daughter back.