Everything about me is only about dreams

Coralie 2022-10-07 20:54:20

Black Griffith didn't even get to the point of taking the character issue. The castle beyond the clouds is a dream decided in childhood. Since it was born, it cannot be lived without knowing the so-called. The common people in the troubled times are as humble as ants, and the kings and nobles also die like flies. Look, who is shivering in the cold wind and snow, who is dying on the side of the road, who is weeping for the scorched earth and the earth, who is numbly wielding a sword on the battlefield... Despicable as ants, people who don't know what they are called, What is the difference between a dull life and a salted fish, a sad song of the end times is staged in the turbulent times. Open up a path, take my dream as your guide, take my glorious back as the direction you follow, the common people need a king, I obey the dream, you obey me. The ambition of the dream is blazing like a flame, endless like an abyss, it is impossible to overcome thorns and thorns, and it cannot be reached by fighting with blood. The devil's seed is in his hand, and the devil's call is whispering in his ears. Maybe the rest of his life can continue like this, with Casca and Gus...but how can it be? The road we have traveled cannot be turned back, and the fallen bones cannot be resurrected. Giving up at this time is also equivalent to betrayal, a betrayal of the past and dreams. Since you are all following me for your dreams, and since you will give your life for me sooner or later, then sacrifice it. You sacrifice your life, I sacrifice everything. When the self has become a tool to realize the dream, when the self can be sacrificed to the devil in exchange for the continuation of the dream, what is life? Yes, you see, in the face of dreams, how fragile, small, cowardly and ordinary human beings are, how insignificant the life and love that come and go, but who would give up flowers for the stars? The stars shine forever but are out of reach, and the flowers are fleeting but within reach. If a person gives up flowers for the stars, he is not a person in any sense, but a tool, a tool to live, fight and die for the dream. There will always be someone who wants to become that tool, so what if you recognize it or not? The castle beyond the clouds gleamed eternally.

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Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - The Advent quotes

  • Skull Knight: Heed my words, Struggler. Soon a rain of blood, the likes of which you cannot imagine, shall fall down upon you. It will be a storm of death. But take heed, Struggler. Struggle, endure, contend. For that alone is the sword of one who defies death. Do not forget these words.

  • Casca: Don't look at me.