Just finished watching E5&E6

Waino 2022-12-26 12:24:46

I just finished reading, some of the ideas are still fresh, so I decided to record them first

1. No matter what era, the moral kidnapping of celebrities has always been.

Or from another perspective, a celebrity must stand in line for one thing (zz position, or a topic of public concern, etc.). If the expression is vague, or if it is not expressed at all, it will become the target of public criticism.

In my opinion, Jordan's answer is perfect. I am just a basketball player. I have no intention of becoming a social activist, or any other person (in some people’s eyes, this is actually a point that disappoints the public). Playing basketball well is my principle of life. If you like At this point, you can continue to follow me. If you don’t like it, maybe I am not the one you should follow.

In fact, my view of many celebrities, especially athletes, is exactly the same. What an athlete brings to the public should be a spirit of perseverance, the courage to challenge oneself, and breaking through the limits of mankind. This is also the core of the motivation for the public. Whether he does good deeds, whether he has his own stance, and any views on things are all part of his personal world, and has nothing to do with his profession and his passion for the public. Of course, if he is willing to expand this boundary, it is personal freedom, and he will also bear the various marginal costs brought about by this larger boundary. And in this clip, what I see is that at that time he chose to say no, preferring to be misunderstood or used as a talkative, and did not violate his own principles.

2. Once a person becomes a god, the public's psychology is more willing to see gods fall into the mortal world, and even hell, rather than perfect and unattainable.

From episode one to episode six, or every Jordan fan knows how competitive he is. For an athlete, this is his greatest motivation, self-driving force, and does not need outsiders to exert it. Naturally it will also bring some negative things, such as gambling. One of the impressive routines in the film is that it is the same in the current commercial society. The so-called black spots will not affect the advertising contract, will not affect the love of fans, of course, will not affect the control of the game, only become The reporter asks questions over and over again. Once he chooses not to answer, he will be put on various hats, and the relationship with the reporter will fall into a vicious circle. Fortunately, a great athlete will not let these trivia off the court affect his performance on the court. However, even when he won the third championship, others saw more of relief than joy. His inner monologue is that if one thing repeats too much, he loses his hunger, that momentum.

Therefore, it is still a human being, not a god. When a thing you love so much, you finally have more negative comments, that kind of heart is tired, anyone with life experience will empathize, and you can properly brainstorm, and the pressure on celebrities is thousands of times. . At the same time, it is inevitable to have self-doubt, want to escape, want to shut down, and find a more secure place.

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