If God can play basketball, he must wear a size 23.

Jaclyn 2022-12-04 21:24:17

"You can hit me in the face, but you can't step on my AJ" represents the Jordan basketball culture that has influenced generations of people, and the trendy shoe industry that occupies half of Nike. My connection with Jordan is more from buying mine. The first pair of AJ (Joe One) started. But to really let me know more about the god of basketball, I started watching this documentary filmed by Netflix.

Michael Jordan, this man who has always been known as the god of basketball is strange and familiar to many of us born in the 90s. When the post-90s started watching the NBA, it was the age of Yao Ming, Kobe, and James.

But I believe that every boy who loves basketball has a pair of AJs in the shoe cabinet.

"You can hit me in the face, but you can't step on my AJ" represents the Jordan basketball culture that has influenced generations of people, and the trendy shoe industry that occupies half of Nike. My connection with Jordan is more from buying mine. The first pair of AJ (Joe One) started.

But to really let me know more about the god of basketball, I started watching this documentary filmed by Netflix.

Episode 1

Anyone who can accomplish a career has a strong sense of mission and self-control. When Jordan joined the Bulls in the first year, the team's atmosphere was very bad, and the players were inseparable from alcohol, drugs and women. And Jordan is very clear about his mission. From the first day on, he will not associate with these people. He insists on his excellent style, which is really beyond the reach of people, so he also got what a very people can get.

The name of this documentary is also the theme "The Last Dance" set for the 1997-98 season by Zen Master Jackson and the Bulls in the last year. Even now it seems to be an elegant, literary and profound subject. Using it as the name of this documentary also fits perfectly.

Finally, it is a pity that Cole failed to lead the Warriors 20 years later to win three consecutive championships and establish a new dynasty.

Episode 2

Every successful person has his own right-hand man. Jordan has Pippen, just as Kobe had O'Neal, Yao Ming had McGrady, and James has Davis now.

The reason why Jordan is Jordan is precisely because of his noble pursuit of basketball. The height of this pursuit exceeds his own health itself. Even in the danger of injury, he still hopes to be able to play every day and play his best results.

Episode 3

The old Chinese saying always makes sense. A good guy, three gangs, three people must have me... From the Big Three of the Bulls, to the Celtics, Spurs, Lakers, Warriors, and now the Lakers, no team can win a championship by one person. This also proves once again that basketball is not a one-person sport.

Episode 4

Victory is hard-won, and it takes years and months to polish. Just like Jordan's first championship.

Episode 5

This episode pays tribute to Kobe.

Friends who like shoes must also watch this episode, which tells the birth of the Jordan brand.

Jordan's success is not unrelated to his clear perception. Even if his brand sold hundreds of millions of dollars in sales in the first year, he knew very well that all of this was because he was able to play basketball well.

Don't think that this perception is simple. Many people, very many people, soon can't find "North" after getting a little achievement.

Many people think that Jordan shoes have contributed to Jordan's success. They did not expect that the real situation is that his Joe has worn out his feet every game.

Episode 6

Competitiveness seems to be the standard for every successful person.

Jordan is a typical example of this-enjoying every victory, even a little obsessed with gambling. Because the pleasure of victory surpassed everything for him.

I have such an uncle who is also a successful businessman. He doesn't have any bad habits, even if he is rich, he didn't say to eat and drink whoring, but he does like the pleasure that gambling brings him.

It's not to say how much he likes gambling itself, but he just enjoys the feeling of winning or being stronger than others.

Episode 7

It has to be said that behind a perfect winner has a happy family, this is a necessary but not sufficient condition.

Just like Jordan's family.

It is a pity that his father suffered.

But his mother always taught him to see good in bad places and to look at the positive side.

So what he feels positive is that his father witnessed his three consecutive championships.

But after that, Jordan decided to "retire."

Jordan is an aggressive leader, but there is one thing he admires as a leader, that is:

Everything he asked his teammates to do was done by himself.

This is more than 99% of the leaders or elders you can meet in your life.

As a leader, only what you do can you be qualified to ask your subordinates.

Episode 8

Jordan is an existence that does not allow anyone to be stronger than him.

Episode 9

This episode seems to be a continuation of the previous episode and continues to talk about Jordan’s former opponents. From the postman Malone to Miller, they have angered Jordan, and at the same time they have learned the strength of "black Jesus".

After talking about Pippen in the second episode and Rodman in the third episode, this episode introduces Jordan's third "assistant", the current Warriors coach Cole. In a sense, this coincides with China's "one hero and three gangs".

In the 97 finals, Kerr apparently scored the final decisive goal, which in fact represented Jordan's trust in him, and their fathers also had similar tragic experiences.

Episode 10

The last dance



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