The happiness that laymen can't understand

Webster 2021-12-31 08:02:37

I don’t want to say anything about the piano, about the end, about the other side. I just want to talk about the person 1900.

Everyone called him a genius, and everyone was crazy about it. In 1900, from having this extraordinary name, he was destined to be an extraordinary person. Eyes, applause, and glory, things that ordinary people may not get in their entire lives, are as common as the air for the genius of 1900.
But the gaze, applause, and glory do not make people happy, and it will not last long.
There was a scene in the movie that made me particularly uncomfortable: when people were dancing around 1900 for the music, someone saw the Statue of Liberty, and all of a sudden, all the people huffed, and only the lonely figure of 1900 was left. No amount of glory can save loneliness, at this moment he is not a genius, he is a poor outcast.

Genius is actually the most unfortunate person in the world. All geniuses are heterogeneous. And no decent alien will be truly loved. Those who were dumbfounded by the sound of the 1900's piano, when the sound of the piano ended, they slapped their mouths and disappeared. A genius like 1900 is more like a pet. People will love it, care for it, and be obsessed with it, but it ran to the middle of the road and galloped toward it, and no one would rush to block it with their own body.

Probably only the trumpeter is someone who is willing to listen to the heart of 1900 instead of the sound of the piano. He doesn't understand him, but he respects him. He achieved complete independence in 1900 with respect. I saw someone said that if he were the fat man, he would knock 1900 unconscious and drag him off the boat. I think this kind of thinking is destined that he will not be that fat man, and that he will not be the only true friend of 1900.

If we were more serious and suppose the trumpeter really got 1900 off the ship, how would the story extend? We all know that the down-and-out trumpeter does not have the ability to find a new ship for his friend, 88 keys and end. 1900 will inevitably be rubbed off the edges and corners and become mediocre, falling into the dust and becoming a mortal.

Live, still live at ease. This is also a problem. The choice of a mortal is to live first anyway. The matter of "living" is more important than anything else. And geniuses put more emphasis on the comfort of the soul, and then life and death. So mortals can bear the humiliation, but geniuses are willing to be broken. Every kind of person has obtained what he values ​​most, and no one loses more than anyone.

In fact, I am not happy to use the word genius to define 1900. Genius has been abused. I would rather say that 1900 is an ET. Those of us who live on this planet speak up if they want to express themselves. This is the human way. But 1900 does not belong to the human category. His fingers are his vocal organs, connected to his heart and eyes. His body functions are human, and his perception and heart are ET.
ET is amazing, but not unusual. Because each of us is ET.

When I was a child, I read the introductory book "Sophie's World". The philosophy teacher said, have you ever thought that you might be a Martian? Will you stop one day, examine yourself and think: "I am an extraordinary being. I am a mysterious creature."-I don't understand. I looked at everyone with two eyes and one mouth. I couldn't understand how this identical person could be a species on a different planet.

Until later, I discovered that people’s hearts are deeper than the sea, and that the difference between a person and a person is greater than the difference between heaven and earth. I gradually believe that each of us is ET, at least we were ET. We were so different when we were born, just like gathering from all corners of the universe to this planet. The angle that we see the world through our eyes, the strength of our nipples, the posture of our pants are all so independent and so full of flowers.

We used to be very different and lively jumping. But later, we were educated, corrected, and put into orbit. So we changed from ET to a group of people on earth. Our vivid faces were submerged in the crowd and became blurred, making no difference at first glance. Only those who are coincidental, such as 1900, have a fluke (or is it misfortune?) preserve their independence and ET nature, and become geniuses and aliens in the eyes of the people on earth.

Differences lead to loneliness. ET, who has preserved its differences, bears a great loneliness as well as a strange look, far beyond the loneliness of mortals. Although ordinary people like us still have some differences, they are generally inseparable from each other. After we lost love, we felt that the pain was greater than anyone else's. We embraced the one we loved and thought we were happier than anyone else. But a cruel fact is: everyone’s pain and happiness are the same. We keep repeating, the same.

We lost our personality but we resonated. We use art to find synesthesia, and in the intersecting parts of human nature, we wiping tears to comfort each other, or in other words, to balance each other (it turns out that some people are worse than me, so I feel more comfortable now). And the people called geniuses stand outside the crowd, gazing melancholy at this group of species that are somewhat like him but not his. Use their ET instincts to refine, amplify, and reach the heart. Those parts that can never be crossed serve as the source of loneliness, making them never able to integrate into the crowd. They can only hide in their own ships, hide in their inner world, live alone, and then die.

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The Legend of 1900 quotes

  • Max: You're never really done for, as long as you've got a good story and someone to tell it to.

  • Max: Sometimes that is the way you have to do it: you go right back to the beginning.