"The Last Dance" Episodes 1&2

Allan 2022-07-30 18:40:46

Episode 1: The Shadow Under the Champion

1. At the beginning, Jordan was sitting in front of the window. The director just gave a back view. Of course, Qiaomi could easily identify who it was from his bald head and earrings. I think this indicates that the prospects of the Bulls are not clear in the 97-98 season. In fact, there is a huge crisis.

2. Then the protagonist will appear in sequence, Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, and Zen Master. In fact, these people and the management have huge contradictions. Owner Reinsdorf believes that the core players are too old, the contract is too high, and the team needs to be rebuilt. Jordan was irritated. What reason does he think the champion has to rebuild? However, after the boss signed Jordan's $33 million contract, the sentence "I will regret one day" made Jordan remember for decades. In this state of immediate disintegration, it can still keep the team's core lineup and let the management bleed. This is Jordan's influence. 3. Bulls manager Klaus played. The short and ugly man was portrayed as a villain. He has been fighting against Jordan. Because of Jordan's sentence "I won't play for other coaches", he left the Zen master. Of course, Klaus also left a famous saying, "Even if it is 82 wins this season, Zen Master will have to leave next season." So there is the title "The Last Dance", which was written by Zen Master in the tactical manual before the season. But think about what the management is really that good for? Later, Jordan chose Kwame Brown in the Wizards. How about the effect of all the signings in the Hornets? 4. Interrupted a period of time between Jordan University and being selected by the Bulls. In the 1982 NCAA finals, the first-year Jordan hit a lore, changed from "Mike" to "Michael", and then stared at the famous school aura and was selected by the Bulls. But the Bulls at that time were really bad, and the attention in Chicago was not even as good as that of the indoor football team. The team is also in chaos. Jordan said that once he met his teammates at a party, it was all because of cousins ​​and women. 5. Jordan said that he does not play nightclubs, drink alcohol, and only play ball. The assistant confirmed that by the time the Bulls played for a week, he became the strongest player. In the third game of his career against the Bucks, he blasted the league's best defensive player, Moncliffe. Thinking of the little story in "The Biography of Jordan", Jordan had just arrived at the Bulls to play a training game and never lost in group training. And he will deliberately irritate the old players with swear words, which can make the defense more fierce. Many of Jordan's teammates have said that he will continue to test you, if you do not meet his standards, you will get out. I believe that Jordan's desire for control will be more reflected in later episodes.

Episode 2: Pi Erye’s Heart Disease

1. The story of the second episode is based on Pippen. I don't know if it is the director's deliberate action, or whether Pi Erye is predestined with Erhime. There should be no doubt about the historical status of Pippen's "strongest second master". Jordan said, "I can't win the championship without Pippen." On the one hand, Pi Erye's strength is online, and Zen Master once said: "After Dream One played the Olympics, Jordan realized that Pippen might be the second man in the NBA." Bill- Simmons commented that Pippen is a "filler", that is to say, what the team lacks, he can add, we can see his comprehensiveness. On the other hand, Pippen, who has such strength, is willing to play support for Joe, rather than fight for the top of the ball. Third, Pippen's personality is just complementary to Jordan's, and can complement each other. Some teammates said: "They have different leadership styles, Jordan will spur you, and Pippen will support you behind."

2. Before the "Last Dance" season, the relationship between Pippen and the management dropped to a freezing point. The reason given in the film is, "Pippen ranked second in scoring, second in rebounds, second in minutes, first in steals and assists, but ranked sixth in the salary team and only 122nd in the league." In other words, The lack of money was due to the 7-year long contract he signed with the Bulls in 1991. In fact, Pippen's salary in the 91-92 season was not low. 2.77 million ranked 17th in the league, Jordan was 3.25 million, and Drexler was only 1.37 million. Later, the reason for Pippen's low salary was that the salary cap soared in 1995, from 15.96 million to 23.1 million, an increase of 44%, and Pippen's salary naturally shrank. But then Pippen went to the Rockets to get a five-year contract of 67.2 million yuan, and returned to the Bulls to get a one-year pension contract of 5.4 million yuan. In total, Pippen’s career salary is 109 million U.S. dollars, which is higher than Jordan’s 93.29 million and also higher than Malone and Reggie Miller. It can be said that Pippen’s behavior of refusing to play with his appointment is against business principles, but the angle of display in the film is to portray the management as a villain. Who made Pi Erye a Batman? Where's Robin next to him.

3. Looking back at Pippen’s growth environment, the film analyzes why Pippen, regardless of the dissuasion of his agent and even his boss, signed a 7-year long-term contract arbitrarily. Because his family has 12 brothers and sisters, and his father and second brother are paralyzed and can only use a wheelchair, Pippen needs money to protect the family. In addition, Jordan's childhood experience has also been explained. The attitude of his parents to hard work has set him a positive example, and the competition with his brother Larry since childhood is the source of his strong desire to win. In general personal biographies and documentaries, the protagonist’s growth background will be explained, because this will have a huge impact on the shaping of his character, and it will also allow the audience to understand the protagonist’s actions.

4. Next, in the playoffs of the second year of his career, Jordan faced the Celtics and smashed 63 points in the playoffs. This created a scoring record for the NBA playoffs and left him behind. De's famous saying "God wears No. 23 to play." In the highlights, Jordan really played five. The dynasty team Green Kai in the 1980s failed to stop him. The current impact is equivalent to that of the playoffs Doncic or Trey-Young hit the Bucks with 63 points, and they don't have Jordan's visual impact. Big Bird said: "I've never seen anyone play against him like this." Magician commented: "He is the most talented player." The young Jordan received such comments from the black and white duo, and the first man in history is ready to come out.

5. The last suspense of the second episode is fixed on the conflict between general manager Claus and Pippen. Pippen has publicly asked to be traded. Teammates and coaches said that Pippen abused Klaus on the bus. Regrettably, the director only gave a shot that swept the bus. As previously introduced, this documentary has as many as 1,000 hours of material, so like this kind of conflict scene that audiences love to see, I don’t know if the camera did not capture it or the director dared not release it. After the first two episodes were broadcast, some old fans said that they felt "tickled" after watching them, because the content of these two episodes are old stories familiar to some senior fans, so will there be any exclusive information in the next eight episodes? Everyone can continue to pay attention.

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