Perverted cute

Brionna 2022-08-01 16:32:10

When I look at it, I feel that the image of this family is very vivid, with laughter and troubles; there are selfish and giving sides. Just as it is difficult to divide a bite completely when eating two foods, it is also difficult to achieve balance when there is more than one child in the family. It’s also rare to see the patriarchal situation in the family in American dramas, but their family is obviously a bit special, because the older brother happens to be an autistic, and the younger sister in the drama is obviously not like the helper demon "Fan Shengmei" in the domestic drama. It’s just as miserable. Generally speaking, the problem is not thrown out and it has been improved.

At a family dinner, my sister announced the good news that she might go to a great high school, but my mother quickly said: This is not good for your brother, because he has no paired assistance, and he is very dependent on you. At this time, the elder brother occupies too much weight in the mother's heart. He became the priority object of the mother, so the future and feelings of the younger sister were ignored. Fortunately, my sister’s boyfriend stood up and pointed out the problem

There are many situations like this. For example, when my younger sister participates in a competition, she must be very uncomfortable when she crosses the finish line to break the record and looks back at the audience but cannot find her family.

The dumping of the balance to the side of the brother not only hurts my sister, but also hurts her mother. She is always immersed in the role of mother and over-stressed. When Sam tries to fall in love like other peers, her mother repeatedly prevents it (the interesting thing is Dad I very much encourage Sam’s love and at the same time he is highly vigilant about his daughter’s love. The comparison between the two situations is very humorous)

In addition, the depiction of Sam’s subjective feelings and subjective world is also very vivid. For example, the close-up of the hand movements at the beginning of the first episode combined with the quick confession, let us directly experience his anxiety, and his confession to Juliet after failing The first-person image of the crazy penguin species on the bus is very real and profound. I learned a word: perverted and cute, it’s perfect to describe Sam, this is also his self-deprecating when he restores his girlfriend’s daily routine haha

Finally, I still want to say that every character in the play is very cute. In fact, I am tired of the image of Hollywood heroic characters. These flawed and fragile people appear to be more real.

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