[C+ Film Review] The Bloodbath: The Unbeatable Alpha Male? It's hard for a big man to have great wisdom

Alex 2022-01-05 08:01:26

Van Diesel, who only became famous after starring in "Saving Private Ryan", seems to have a special preference for B-level action movies with serious homogeneity: in the nearly ten years before "Fast and Furious 4", the transformation action The star's Fan Diesel jumped from "Interstellar Legend" to "Babylonian Age", and from "Fast and Furious" to "Xtreme Agent".

He didn't find his own John McLean, but turned every bald muscular man he played into Van Diesel.

Who would have thought that Steven Spielberg’s call would become Comrade Fan Diesel’s best performance in 20 years.

If it is said that the filming of "Brave Daddy" was also affected by the atmosphere of the time-during the same period Dawn Johnson filmed "Tooth Fairy" (it seems that every muscular star has to act as a babysitter)-rejected The money-making IP sequels "Fast and Furious 2" and "Xtreme Agent 2" revealed his shortsightedness in the film selection.

When Fan Diesel finally swept the earth with the "Quick Exclamation" series, he finally discovered two major consequences of his wasting his great time in B-level films:

One is performance. Over the years (opportunity) action experience, so his acting skills only stay at the level of output relying on roar. No matter how popular, no one will really pay for such a "character actor";

The second is an appointment. Without acting skills, how can a good show come? Every IP owner wants to dig out his own Robert Downey Jr., and also wants to prevent his own good role from being played as himself by Fan Diesel.

Yelling "I am Groot" year after year may give Fan Diesel the illusion that he can play a role in the super-British movie era. After eating "Interstellar Legend" and "Xtreme Agent", the next goal of Fan Diesel's IP reserve is the warrior comics and "Bloodman". But as mentioned earlier, Redick, Sand Cage, Don Boss, and Ray Garrison, who was forcibly renamed this time, are all just the same bald stubborn guy who roared dumbly in the B-level film.


The road to the adaptation of the Warriors comics can't be said for three days and three nights (a large part of it involves a wicked Chinese company, DMG). Despite the title of "the third largest comic universe", nearly thirty years have passed since the heyday of Warriors comics: in the early 90s, the sales of Warriors comics were still able to compete with Marvel DC, but they have long been different. And language.

As the top card of the warrior comics, "Bloodblower" was naturally inevitably influenced by the popular culture of the time. The image of anti-heroes who have come back from the dead and embarked on the road of revenge has a large proportion in the B-level film market in the 80s and 90s: "The Punisher" and "The Crow" based on comics, and "Robocop" by Paul Van Hoeven. Both appeared in the same period, and several months after Shangge Yundun’s "Reforged Warrior" was released, "Bloodwarrior" made its debut.

Obviously, creating your own "Marvel-style" movie universe is still the will of Warriors Comics (and DMG's last wish). But the disintegration of its roles-the Bloodthirsty in Sony, the Pioneer Warriors in Paramount-casts uncertainty over it.

Unfortunately, this version of "Bloodwarrior" does not seem to have learned any experience from the previous failed superhero movies. Such an image of transforming people should, like Wolverine, explore what is humanity in the story, and how to find humanity in the absence of humanity, and finally find a new direction (at least in the short term).

However, the stretched funding-45 million US dollars, not enough for a fraction of a standard superhero movie-forced the film to focus its limited energy on "more gimmicky" content.

Although some creators can still make a big difference-"Deadpool" also only has a budget of $58 million-"Bloodwarrior" does not have such good luck.

Part of the reason is that the creative team is too routine in the adaptation, and even returned to the early days of "Dare Demon" and "Evil Rider";

The other main reason is Fan Diesel. As a typical complete person wannabe, his screen image must be an immovable moral model and a human terminator. And a complete person is a fatal shortcoming for a movie.


Due to cost constraints, the creation team of "Bloodwarrior" appears to be particularly young, which also makes the film too dependent on mature (and outdated) templates on many levels. As director Dave Wilson's debut work, "Bloodwarrior" is worthy of his role as visual effects director in some shots. But similar to "Sonny's Advantage" in "Love, Death and Robots", these highlights are not enough to prop up the whole movie, and they lack a deep connection with the plot/theme.

Of course, this is not entirely his fault. The motion design of the movie is already lackluster, and it hasn’t learned a bit from Chad Stachsky ("Quick Attack"): there is neither design beauty (perhaps due to Van Diesel’s clumsy skills) nor camera. Beauty.

Even in the highlight at the end of the film, the confrontation between the CG-style Fan Diesel and the enemy is as difficult as rendering an unfinished cartoon.

The script written by Jeff Wadlow and Eric Hessel is even more boring-not to mention the rewriting of the lines in the later period-so many explanatory lines are extremely patience, for fear of the audience. No brains when entering. It is hard to believe that the latter once wrote the book of "Advent".

It needs to be admitted that the concept of "blood warrior" is really old. As far as Fan Diesel is concerned, it is nothing more than a nominal superhuman being turned into a real super soldier; as far as the theme is concerned, it is nothing more than a reference to the "Weilong series" action movies in the 90s ("Universe Dragon" and "Iron Armored Dragon") Reuse. But this does not mean that the movie can only be rotated within these frames, and there is no real plot and clear story clues.

In "Bloodman", there are clearly "Edge of Tomorrow"-style infinite reincarnation, "Wolverine" and "Robocop"-style artificial amnesia, and there are even "memory fragments"-style memory puzzles and "memory fragments". Guy Pierce. But all these materials have been wasted in the most mediocre way.

Instead, Fan Diesel’s favorite "team building" action film; not enough in "Quick", and not enough in "Xtreme Agent 3", future new Fan Diesel movies, even if they are so lone rangers at first, Keep playing.


As one of Hollywood's most well-known actors, Fan Diesel's appeal to audiences may also be overestimated. From "The Last Witch Hunter" to "Interstellar Legends 3", it proves that the audience does not really want to watch Fan Diesel, but rather wants to see Fan Diesel who acts as a humanoid backdrop in a very lively action blockbuster.

In the final analysis, Fan Diesel's boring and monotonous role interpretation is also destined to be only suitable for being cool in super blockbuster movies. He likes to play the unbeatable Alpha Male too much, his body and moral sense are (self-confessed) impeccable, and the role is not allowed to have weaknesses, which naturally makes him lack empathy and cannot make the audience truly engaged.

The excessive preference for Ex Machina makes his character extraordinarily boring (this is also the reason why "Quick" keeps using parental shorts to add humanity to it). You know, the protagonist of the movie cannot have a crushing advantage over the villain—Batman/Terminator, and even One Punch Man are successful examples—but they cannot be without weaknesses in the narrative.

When the protagonist will not be genuinely threatened and will always be invincible, only the people around the protagonist are in danger; the impact of non-direct threats is naturally far inferior to direct threats.

On the other hand, Dawn Johnson, who is also a big guy, does not shy away from personality/or even physical shortcomings when performing roles. These shortcomings make his role more like a living person and more popular with the audience. Furthermore, it can also drive and support more new projects.

And acting skills are even more difficult for Fan Diesel to pass. As the number one trash fish, Toby Campbell’s short-term scenes are far more interesting than any of Fan Diesel’s performances in the film – such as from "Dish" In the opening interrogation of "Mission Impossible 3", the countdown to the deaths of Tom Cruise and Philip Seymour Hoffman is very credible and enjoyable, while Fan Diesel would only yell and stare: his lover was killed in front of his own eyes. , There was no impact on him at all. This alone made Tom Cruise's status as a movie star.

This more than 10 minute opening should at least set the tone of the role: what kind of person is he? What kind of intimacy is there? What kind of personality traits do you have? Fan Diesel Munner's performance did not achieve any purpose, but only confuses the audience even more.

Under the combined effect, the trade-in of love interest seems too trivial: Aisha Gonzalez is indeed pretty, but one second after the first, he wanted the audience to support the protagonist to avenge his wife, but at this moment he stared at the beautiful woman out of the bath. Sipping drooling, isn't the brain circuit a bit too strange?

Although there is a scriptwriter’s pot behind this-and the screenwriter even left the pot to the screenwriter of the "play in play"-but Fan Diesel's routine for decades, obviously can't interpret the depth of this role at all-none In the past, I don't know how to face the tragic characters of the future-the jewels of Wolverine in the era of "Robocop" and "X-Men" are ahead. He can't even plagiarize. The scene in the third act that should have moved/shocked is also ridiculous because of his bad acting skills.


The investment of $42 million is there, and the production of "Bloodwarrior" is not too bad. If there is no impact from the epidemic, the pressure to pay back will not be particularly high-at least the global box office can still be sold in the first weekend. A lot. But if such a bad hodgepodge movie wants to open the movie universe, the film party might as well hold the mentality of playing tickets to be healthier.

In fact, if this was a Terminator movie, it would be even more interesting: a human being transformed into a Terminator prototype, and under the control of Skynet, did he find out that it was all "Saya". The "Song"-like VR illusion, so as to join the Resistance to destroy the control center and self-destruct/liberate-this is also the general direction of "Terminator 2018" before the intervention of Christian Bell of Marvel Golden Cave.

Since "Bloodstrider" has investment from a domestic filmmaker, which replaced DMG's Bona, under the premise of the market recovery, there is a high possibility that the film will land in the mainland market and return to the blood. Regardless of whether there is already a digital version popular by then, the abridgement of violent scenes (as can be seen from the posters of the mainland version) will inevitably further reduce the appeal of the film.

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Bloodshot quotes

  • Dr. Emil Harting: Your nanites are down. All that's left is Ray Garrison!

    Ray Garrison: And that's enough.

  • KT: [to Ray] Well, the military only anonymously donates the remains of soldiers who weren't claimed by family.


    KT: Sorry, sometimes you just gotta rip off the Bandaid, it helps to get through the pain of it quicker.