"Tourism Promotional Film" dressed in a suspenseful film

Dorcas 2022-01-03 08:02:05

This article was first published on the public account: No. 7 Film Library (Theater7)

Poverty is not the criterion for judging whether a town is good or bad, and places with simple folk customs can make people linger.

Seventh score: 7.73


Vidia (Vidia Baran) is a pregnant woman who travels from London to Kolkata, India, to search for her missing husband.

Her husband worked as an engineer at the National Data Center in Kolkata a month ago, but suddenly lost contact two weeks ago.

After getting off the plane, Vidia went straight to the police station to report the incident.

After finishing the transcript, the police station arranged for a police officer named Rana (Palram Barata Chatterjee) to take charge of the case.

Vidia asked Lana to take her to a Mona Lisa hotel because her husband said he had lived there.

But after arriving at the hotel, the boss claimed that he had never seen her husband, and took out the guest registration book to testify.

It's too easy to falsify this kind of register. Vidia doesn't believe the boss's statement, she decides to live in this hotel until she finds out the whereabouts of her husband.

After Rana returned, Vidia stayed alone in the room, feeling very helpless. She didn't want her child to be born without a father.

The next day, Vidia came to the National Data Center and found Agnes, manager of the human resources department.

Agnes is a very kind old lady, but she claims that she never had her husband. What is going on?

There is no way, Vidia can only leave a picture of her husband, hoping that Agnes can call her when she thinks of it.

In the evening, Agnes called, and she met Jovidia at a restaurant on Park Street the next afternoon.

Vidia, who was almost desperate, had a glimmer of hope in her heart, and she might have a good dream at night.

The next day Vidia arrived as scheduled, and Agnes told her a very strange thing, that Vidia's husband resembled Milan, an employee before them.

But when she checked the Milan information, she found that she did not have permission, so she reported the situation.

Vidia learned from Agnes that Milan was employed by the National Data Center two years ago and then suddenly disappeared.

But her husband did not fit this situation at all, so she thought it just happened to look alike.

Unexpectedly, Agnes was shot and killed that night.

In other words, what secrets there is in Milan may be related to the disappearance of Vidia's husband.

What happened afterwards further confirmed this speculation. The deputy director of the Intelligence Agency (Navazuddin Shidigui) personally approached Vidia to talk and told her that there was no such person as Milan.

This kind of formation made Vidia suspect that to find her husband, she had to start from Milan.

Vidia finds Rana and asks him to help sneak into the National Data Center to find information about Milan.

Unable to hold up Vidia's softness, Rana agreed.

Although it was thrilling, the two of them still got the information about Milan, which means that the deputy director was lying.

In order to find her husband, Vidia plucked up the courage to throw the information in front of the deputy director, telling him that if he didn't tell the truth, he would print 10,000 copies of the information and send it to the street.

The deputy director can only tell the truth about Vidia. Milan was originally a government agent. Two years ago, he betrayed the government and caused a gas leak in the Kolkata subway, which has not been captured yet.

Vidia immediately thought that her husband’s disappearance was probably because he was kidnapped because he was too much like Milan, but who could kill Agnes...

Film Analysis

Through the story of pregnant women seeking husbands, the film leads the audience through Kolkata, a city where modernity and tradition blend. Compared with suspense, it is more like a tourist promotion film. Although the plot setting of the film is relatively old-fashioned, the director arranges the clues just right, and there is an amazing reversal at the end of the story, which makes the viewing process full of surprises.

The protagonist, Vidia, was originally named Vidia. She was already a Bollywood first-line actress when filming this film, but she still ran around in order to promote the film and spared no effort. This was the result of this film. Success.

The film cost only 80 crore rupees (approximately 8.86 million yuan), 50 days after the film was released, the box office successfully broke into the 1 billion rupees club. The small cost created a miracle of high box office and also saved director Gao Shi's artistic career.

The film is slow in pace, the story is simple, and the plot is straightforward. What impresses me is the warmth brought by the city of Kolkata. The hostess, Vidia, came to this strange city to find her husband alone. Without the help of the locals, it is impossible to succeed. Although some places are not very wealthy, the folk customs are simple and unforgettable after going there.

Police Constable Rana and Vidia did not have the same life, they were not obliged to help her with so many things, especially the lock picking and stealing information, etc., but the story Vidia told him was very moved, so he left his official career behind. , Risked her life to help this strong girl, and played a key role in the end.

Some people say that Rana has a strong desire for Vidia. This is obviously impossible. On the last day of Puja, Rana bought Vidia a sari and vowed to her that she would help her find a husband. , I believe he must be sincere. This is in sharp contrast to the incompetent and corrupt images of police in most Indian crime films. The film tells us that the police in Kolkata are so good.

The child delivering water in the Mona Lisa Hotel, he regards his radio as a treasure and does not allow anyone to move, including those he knows well. But when he witnesses Vidia crying, he walks forward and warms himself Handed her baby to Vidia, how much a broken heart can he heal if a child who is not so sensible can make such a move? There are also children who help identify bad people and informants who give key clues. Everything is to let us know that as long as you compare your heart to heart in this strange city, you will get warm and kind in return.

If I have the opportunity, I hope I can go to this city to experience the true local folk customs, drink the hot milk tea there, taste the specialty snacks, stay at the Mona Lisa Hotel, and most importantly, go see the legendary Goddess Durga, it is she who casts demons and extinguishes demons, drives away evil spirits and strengthens righteousness, blessing everyone to live a peaceful and happy life.

The praying mantis catches the cicadas, and the oriole is behind. When you use others, you have thought that you have already been used. Comparing your heart to your heart, treating talents with sincerity will reap warmth and kindness in return.

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