Re-experience of love, friendship and family affection

Daniella 2022-04-21 08:01:09

It is precisely because of a business trip that I have time to sit in a hotel room and slowly watch the downloaded "The Orange County" episode by episode. If it is not like this, I may have no feeling to write something about it.

The OC is about a 16-year-old boy Ryan from Chino who came into the detention center because of theft, and his client lawyer Sandy, a mortal The representatives of Newport (as Julie said) released him on bail and adopted him. Then the story tells the separation and reunion of Ryan and Maritha, Seth and Summer, which revolves around this prominent Cohen family in Newport. A series of stories not only tell the audience about love, friendship, the warmth, sweetness and happiness of family affection, but also sadness, sin and conspiracy.

In the past two days, I almost watched The OC in the room, and I was deeply moved by the plot inside. At the end of the first season, when Ryan had to be responsible for his pregnant ex-girlfriend because of his own negligence, and had to return to poor Chino; when he had to take a bad lunch every day to work on a construction site And when he was still thinking about his beloved Maritha; when Seth was frustrated because of Ryan’s departure, he ran away from home; when he was lonely sailing on the vast sea on his own windsurfing board, there was How many viewers sighed or even shed tears for this ending... In the

afternoon, when something happened, I went to the hotel reception, walked down the stairs, and walked on the small square in front of the building. A cold wind blew by; when I looked up, a goshawk just came from Over my head, patches of white clouds suddenly felt a particularly bleak feeling in my heart, and tears flowed down from the corner of my eyes, perhaps because I was still moved by the plot in the story, or maybe I was still missing something.

The concept of love and morality told by The OC is really refreshing. Apart from being moved, I think every audience will experience something from it.

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Extended Reading

The O.C. quotes

  • Julie: [Gus is peeing outside near her trailer] Real classy, Gus.

    Gus: It's them big gulps. They go right through me. Sneak up on me too.

    Julie: That's a *nice* final image.

  • Summer: Your comic has turned these two idiots into idiots.

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