Peanut Butter Falcon--a modern fairy tale leading to the world of Datong

Tyrel 2022-09-27 21:26:56

"Peanut Butter Falcon" is not a good movie that can blow the ceiling, nor is it an ambitious and talented work, it is just a simple warm story. And our life, if there are many such short stories, it is a happy life.

"Peanut Butter" is the food Tyler bought when he was destitute, "Peanut Butter Falcon" is the "stage name" the two gave to Zak when they had fun by the campfire, and Tyler also dressed Zak as a "falcon" and "made a grand debut." . This is a somewhat funny name, which is in line with the tragicomedy tone of the film. This is another name that condenses the friendship, hardships and dreams of the two people. Every time I think of it, the lime-like tone of the film will appear in my mind. And the sweet and sour episode.

The production process of the film itself is the same as the plot of the film. It is a story that helps people with Down syndrome realize their dreams. Director and screenwriter Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz met Zack Gottsagen at a performance camp for the disabled in Venice Beach. In a dinner party, Zack recounted his dream of acting. The kind Tyler and Michael explained to him that even though he is very talented, he has studied acting for many years. This is still difficult to achieve in Hollywood, because the role of Down’s children is rare. , And there are not many roles for people with disabilities, let alone being the protagonist. Zack smiled at them, "Don't you just make movies? Why don't you write one and let me join in?" The story began. Two directors who had only short film experience before decided to make a tailor-made film for Zack. He is the original feature film, which turns the dream of an actor into a dream of a wrestler, and uses the coastline of North Carolina where Tyler Nilson lives as the location of the story. A Mark Twain-style modern fairy tale was born:

Down's son Zak (Zack Gottsagen) escaped from the boring nursing home, which was not his hometown, and ran to the wrestler school of his idol Salt Water Redneck. On the way, he was unemployed because of illegal crab catching, and he became angry again. Tyler (Shia Labeouf) who was forced to flee in a crab trap. After several rounds of "go away-don't", Tyler finally decided to help Zak fulfill his wish, and the two went down the coastline all the way south. The dean of the nursing home was unwilling to report the news of Zak's escape and ordered the caregiver Eleanor (Dekota Johanson) to find Zak. On the other side, the fisherman in the burnt cage was looking for Tyler.

This is not a story in which a group of people like "Don't Tell Her" weaves an illusion in an attempt to make people happy, but a beautiful story with no lies, no false feelings and true meaning.

In addition to the overlapping of the creative process and the plot of the film, there is another overlap between reality and fiction in this film, which is the actors and characters. None of the characters in the film comes with a halo: Zak is a Tang's son, Tyler is suffering from the pain of his dead brother, and lost his job, Eleanor is a small caregiver who depends on the face of the person, chasing (not necessarily killing, but At least a lesson) Tyler’s two fishermen were bankrupted by Tyler, the evangelist living in the cabin was blind, the wrestlers were old men who could only entertain themselves, and so on. In reality, apart from the screenwriter and director who is a newcomer, Zack is a newcomer. There are many other actors who are famous, but they are no longer famous: Shia LaBeouf, a genius boy who became popular because of "Transformers", has become so notorious that no one dares to find him. In the filming, the image of Dekota Johanson, who became popular in the "Fifty Degrees" series, is still difficult to change in the minds of many audiences. The two former famous professional wrestlers Mick Foley and Jake Roberts that I met at the end of the journey have long lost their prestige. It is such a group of "rabbit crowds" who gathered together and went down the river, from wanting to get rid of each other to working together, and finally helped Zak realize his dream. There is no sympathy, no sensationalism, only tenderness; no matter who you are or who I am, everyone is a good brother in the end.

Hollywood has several famous films about people with physical or intellectual disabilities, such as the fictional "Forrest Gump", "Rain Man" based on real people, "Beautiful Mind", "The Theory of Everything", etc. It belongs to the inspirational category. The actors are all normal actors, and they are well-known. Without exception, they have won countless awards for this role. There are also several well-known film and television roles in China, such as Fat Cat and Silly Gu in Hong Kong, and "IC, IP" in China. , IQ card, all told me the password ", their "silly" are used to achieve a dramatic effect. Regarding actors who are physically different from ordinary people, Hollywood used to have a tall actor who seemed to suffer from giantism, but he died very early. Now the most famous one should be the 2.12-meter Chubacka ("Planet "The Great War") played by Joonas Suotamo (former Finnish national basketball team player) and the 1.35m "Little Devil" ("Game of Thrones") played by Peter Dinklage. Hong Kong used to have a very active Teddy Robin. The intelligence of the above four people is also normal. Although we can find many precedents and role models, looking closely, it is really difficult to succeed in a situation like Zack Gottsagen. At the beginning of the film, the investors also proposed to find "normal people" to play Zak's suggestion. Fortunately, the investment was finally made. Fang gave enough trust to let us see such a rare film that truly embodies the spirit of integration. The film was also used by German middle schools as German, English, philosophy, ethics, sociology, psychology, and media studies. Classroom teaching materials.

Zack’s next film is Best Summer Ever, a musical with a special group of casts. It is expected to be released in 2020. I hope he can shine in the future. At least, his German dubbing-Berlin RambaZamba Repertory Company Professional actor Jonas Sippel has proved that Tang's actor dream is not just a dream. (Ramba Zamba is a fusion drama company in Berlin. It was founded in 1990 by former Deutsche Theater Berlin director Klaus Erforth and actor and dramatist Gisela Höhne. Their son with Down syndrome was the first member of the company.)

Last year there was another very similar movie, Tutto il mio folle amore ("All My Love", Italy), which premiered at the 76th Venice Film Festival in 2019. It was about a son with autism watching The man who came to visit the house concluded that he was his biological father, so he "ran" with him secretly. When the mother and adoptive father found out, they set out to look for them. The biological father, who was not so happy, had to take him on the tour. Repel the son to become a good buddy.

Different from "Peanut Butter Falcon", "All My Love" strengthens the performance of autistic patients a lot, such as suddenly shit in the bathroom (I can feel the smell when I sit in the movie theater) and suddenly yell He called, the discomfort caused by this sudden loss of control throughout the first half of the film, and finally he found peace in his father’s music, allowing everyone to return to the familiar "family greatness" "love is the cure for all diseases in the world" The conclusion. And "Peanut Butter Falcon" weakened all the characteristics of the Downs, simply "drive all the way to the south", accompanied by poetic riverside scenery and country music, making the world of Datong a beautiful vision, where there is no prejudice, no Difference, everyone loves, live and work in peace and contentment. Said she is a fairy tale, because many plots are a bit unrealistic, but as long as we are willing to work hard, such a story can happen again, just like the birth and success of this movie.

"Peanut Butter Falcon" is not a good movie that can blow the ceiling, nor is it an ambitious and talented work, it is just a simple warm story. And our life, if there are many such short stories, it is a happy life.

Shia LaBeouf thanked the police who arrested him in 2017 at the Hollywood Film Awards ceremony on November 3, 2019


As a fan of Shia LaBeouf, I am very happy to see him officially return in 2019. Shia LaBeouf is undoubtedly a precious talented actor. He walked out of the Mickey Mouse Club and was recommended by Spielberg to Michael Bay to star in "Transformers" (2007), and was recruited by Lao Si to star in "Indiana Jones 4". "(2008), "Wall Street Wolf" (2010) directed by Michael Douglas and Oliver Stone after "Transformers 2" (2009). With such a golden resume, who would have thought that he was walking on a path of self-destruction-mental collapse, poor studio condition, inexplicable "performance art", often carried away by the police, negative news is better than good works many. The talented young sweet tea of ​​the same big director vying to cooperate is like a spring breeze and drizzle, clear and inviting. Shia Labeouf is just the opposite, with a violent wildness, with rebelliousness in the eyebrows. Some people say that he is the next Tom Hanks, I think he is more like Tom Hardy-I don't want to be a good old man, and I don't want a champagne beauty to enjoy life, I want to tear my life apart and put my hand into the bloody internal organs to explore after all. One advantage of being an actor is that no matter how desolate, as long as it does not violate the moral bottom line, as long as there is a good work, it is a hero, and it will win applause, and the more desolate, the more enthusiastic, especially when returning with personal works. In 2019, in addition to "Peanut Butter Falcon", Shia also has an autobiographical film "Honey Boy", which has been recognized by critics and awards. People who like to reflect often know that it takes a lot of courage and wisdom to face themselves. Shia LaBeouf, who announced the switch to independent production in 2012, is finally back! Even if he established an acting school in LA in 2018, saying that he should concentrate on teaching full-time, acting will become his second career, which for us is a return of a genius boy who has gotten rid of disorder. The prodigal son turned his head back and didn't change his gold, and finally waited until this day!

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The Peanut Butter Falcon quotes

  • Tyler: You might not be saying the word 'retard', alright, I'll give you that, but you're damn sure as making him feel retarded.

  • Tyler: You got a good-guy heart. You can't do shit about it, that's just who you are. You're a hero.

    Zak: I can't be a hero because I am a Down's syndrome.

    Tyler: What's that got to do with your heart?