An old man quietly left to mourn Bergman

Else 2021-12-31 08:02:10

The news of Bergman’s death was told to me by a netizen in Guangxi. I was not surprised when I heard the news, but then I fell into a long period of dullness. This kind of innocence stems from my love and admiration for Bergman, but I am ashamed of my lack of knowledge. When I was about to write an article to commemorate him, my mind was trembling, for fear that every word written would be a typo. , Every sentence written is disrespectful to Bergman's death.
Ingmar Bergman had a deep influence on me. He not only changed my understanding of movies, but also reversed my cynical and complaining side. Especially when I saw "Finney and Alexander" filmed in 1986, I deepened my belief in Bergman, because he implemented his broad mind into the film, and the film is "not painful" to suffering. The description and the belief that the scars will eventually dissipate are like a beam of light in front of the viewers, but only a fairly mature director can "relax" to tell the sufferings, and is affected by the "Finney and Alexander" Influence, I re-watched Trüffer’s "The Last Subway". Like Bergman, Trüffer also dedicated his broadest minds to the work of Xiying, but if Bergman hadn’t been in “Finney and The enlightenment given to me in Alexandria, I’m afraid it’s rare in my life to look back at the "Last Train"
netizens in Guangxi , which I had never understood, said: A master who has influenced my life is gone. He was probably one of the first people in the country to know about Bergman’s death. That afternoon, he reprinted the original report of the foreign news agency to me. I read English words word by word. To commemorate Bergman’s article, I still squeezed out a few paragraphs introducing Bergman’s life from my dry mind. Although there were many omissions, I could not keep silent when he left.
Bergman taught me how to watch people’s psychology. In any action of any person, an electric current will burst out. What the director does is to record this exciting moment, even if it is ordinary. For example, the smile of the mother and the play of the children also contain something worth thinking about:
his movies are very detailed, and he especially likes to observe people’s faces with the lens at close range. In "Mask", this kind of observation has changed from peeping. To be blatant, the final shock to people is unprecedented. "Mask" tears away the "shame" of hypocrisy and proves the horror of selfishness.
Bergman’s "Mask" and "Shame" made him stand in front of the world in a rebellious image, but his original intention was not so. The filming of "Mask" and even later "Scream and Drizzle" are all In the most difficult moment of Bergman’s life, he later wrote this experience into his autobiography "The Magic Lamp": At that time, the government expelled Bergman from Sweden because of tax issues, and he had to live in exile in order to survive. Continuous filming. But whenever he sat on the director's bench, the first thing he thought of was the soil of his hometown and the smiles on the faces of the people in the small town he had stayed in as a child.
Nowadays, critics unanimously put "dream" and "magic lamp" on Bergman. This is also a fair evaluation of him in the future. When "Finny and Alexander" once again won the Oscar for Sweden's best foreign language At the time of the film awards, people suddenly discovered that the cynical young people were once very high-spirited, even a little bit high-spirited and widowed.
When the “young man” returned to his homeland again, his heart was filled with gratitude. The award of "Finney and Alexander" was closely linked to the support of the Swedish government, and when Bergman embraced the motherland he had been apart for many years, he must also Will arouse a different spark. The success of the film just confirmed this point.
I have quoted Bergman's film "Finny and Alexander" in many articles, because its broad mind has already overshadowed the glory of all movies. When Li Ang talked about Bergman, he said that Bergman taught him how to make movies, and I would say: Bergman taught me how to think about life. Under his influence, I read Balzac, Trimburg, watching movies he admired, of course, I will write better words to thank and repay.
Bergman's films are spokespersons of conscience, humanity and many words. Nowadays, revisiting his movies is the most beautiful enjoyment after fatigue, because he will make us humble, cautious and broad.

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Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.