Like this fat guy

Peggie 2022-04-22 06:01:02

After watching Jack Black's third comedy film "Tough D", it felt very strange, so I couldn't help but complain.
Let's talk about the first "Rock School" first. This is a super fun movie. In order to cheat a little money, an amateur rock musician went to a school to become a geography teacher by chance. This geography teacher is not simple, but does not talk about geography. , It's all about rock and roll. In this way, he enables the children to regain the lost childlike interest and find the joy and ideal of life. I still remember the distribution map of rock music on the blackboard was talked about by many rock fans. He really painted it himself. Jack is actually an older child. He inspired those children with his pure pursuit and hard work. Then everyone embarked on the road of rock and roll and watched the students who were originally classical bands play their keyboards, electric guitars and drums. It's so cute. It reminds me of "Spring in the Cow Herding Class", where the teacher asked the students to sing one by one. It was really memorable and extremely interesting. In fact, this film is very similar to "Death Poetry Club" and "The Spring of the Cow Herding Class". They both influence and guide students through certain methods. It is just the rock used by the cute fat Blake. Haha, that's because he loves it. This is a fun thing.
The second part is "The Crazy Priest", which is about the fat priest Blake in a small town in Mexico, in order to improve the living conditions of the children in the church, to participate in a wrestling match. Black is still with the kids, but this time there is a beautiful nun. Black not only has to work hard on the wrestling ring, but also pursues the beautiful nun, which leads to hilarious things. He's still such a simple and cute fat man. "When a man grows up, he sometimes wants to wear stretch pants." Wearing it on him, cute. "OXOXOXX" know what this means, that's the code to express love, haha, super funny. Although many film critics say that the story is clichéd and the plot is exaggerated, and they are not optimistic about this movie, but also many people love this "superficial" movie, because we will be moved by the fat man's sincerity.
Then there is the third "Tough D". It’s a pity that this time Fat Black didn’t deal with the kids, but with another fat guy who started their own "Tough D" (which is also from their real band). Name), I don’t doubt that the two fat guys want to express their sincerity in their own stories, but compared with the previous two pure comedies, this movie is full of foul language and some disgusting scenes, and the most important thing is the cliche of the story. Unbearable. Foul language may be the hallmark of Hollywood comedies now, and you won’t stop unless you say tens of thousands of F words. Only when compared with this film, did we discover how cute and rare his first two films are. They are two sunny comedies with no swear words, and how rare they are in such a big environment. matter. Some shots are even more unacceptable. Friends who watched it all know what I only have. It is the section where the infrared laser is turned off. It is very vulgar, not a spoof. All I remember is the part where I entered the fairy tale dreamland after eating mushrooms, which still has the Black-like taste. As for the spoofs of "A Clockwork Orange" and "Crossing the Sky", I don't see a trace of novelty, and the interpretation of rock music can only be described in a superficial way. How cool is the teacher of "Rock School". My cute fat guy is gone.
I like fat people, like your cartoon looks and actions, like your unfailing innocence, like your sincerity to yourself and your ideals. Please come back, my geography teacher, my priest. Still like this fat man.

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