Poseidon Clearance Secrets

Turner 2022-12-09 11:17:24

The lens broke through the water and the luxury cruise ship came into view. Its name Poseidon is written on the hull. Josh Lucas's homage to the classic jogging takes us to the whole picture. Then he leaned on the railing and looked into the distance. The golden sky poured down a few rays of sunlight and turned the seawater into gold. This kind of scenery appeared in the eyes of Red Buttons 34 years ago.
The former mayor with her daughter and her boyfriend, the Latino waiter and the stolen Latina, the gay male gentleman with gray hair but abandoned by her boyfriend, the beautiful single mother with the smart little boy. Of course, there is also our great hero who came back from jogging, changed into a suit, and started earning money in the casino. Dylan's wisdom has been revealed since the first time he spoke, and he guessed that Elena was a smuggling after he asked and answered. It was not easy.
Well, the protagonist basically showed his face, and the next one to appear is another protagonist-water.
Nelson encountered the two most helpless in life in one day, falling to his wall and leaving his lover. The latter made him climb the railing, and after seeing the oncoming water wall, he climbed down again. Are negative negatives positive? do not know.
Just as the captain comforted everyone, Dylan had already begun to figure out how to leave. Responding to that sentence again, God helps those who help themselves.
OK, the adventure begins... The
first level:
the hero clears the way through the elevator slot , then the child, the woman, and the waiter. My purpose of being a waiter makes him the first victim. The humility at the last moment determines his destiny. Nelson stretched out his hand to Valentin in such a crisis, which is really touching, but the reality is cruel. Clearance cost: Valentin.
The second level: across the hall in the air
After the disco rendezvous, the personnel grew stronger. Lucky Larry's appearance seemed to be just to rescue Christian, and then his effect was not great. He was drunk and rudely speaking. I want to know that his time is up. The diesel oil falling from the sky formed a pillar of fire, and the bridge was gone, if that counts. Then came the hero, thinking like a madman, acting like a madman. The daughter and father reached a preliminary understanding. The ring on the ring finger-the daughter has grown up. Cost of clearance: Lucky Larry. What? I didn't count him in the beginning.
The third level: Climbing through the ventilation duct,
have you heard the screams of people, now we are the only ones left. Climbing and climbing is not difficult, but the sense of fear is not small. After all, the gradual nature of the disaster is the most tormenting. Whoever says that being strong is good, it seems that it is right to have a child. Cost of clearance: zero casualties, Elena is beginning to show cumbersome qualities.
Level 4: Escape from the pressure chamber.
Did I just say that the gradual nature of Made-in’s disaster is the most tormenting one? Well, here it is again. I ran here in order to avoid the water and found that the only way to get out was to pour water into it. Come, take a deep breath, and wait, die or live, God tell you. Clearance cost: zero casualties, Elena is a cumbersome character again.
Fifth level: Snorkel forward and
listen. If you can't swim, don't go on a boat. If you can't open your eyes in the swimming pool, don't take the boat. Otherwise this simplest level will become your nightmare. Nelson once again showed the essence of kindness, and seeing no one behind, Robert and Dylan both jumped into the water again, making people feel at ease. Clearance cost: Elena.
Fanwaiguan: My child, my child,
Conor is a very obedient child. I will run around at this time. I still don't believe it, but it's gone, it's gone. But it’s okay, we have big heroes. Yes, he did it. Although we don't know how to do it, he did it.
The sixth level: turn off the thruster
An old-fashioned question, what do you do if your mother and your wife fall into the sea at the same time? Poor Jennifer, doomed to lose one, don't ask her for the answer, she is already very pitiful. So Robert gave the answer, that is: love her, don't let her choose. When he said thank you to Christian, he had already decided, so he would like to thank this young man, because he will help him take care of his daughter in the future. Cost of clearance: Robert.
The final hidden level: Escape from the Ascended
Hero and come back after breaking through the extra level. Robert has already gone, otherwise it is not certain who died in the previous level. However, due to the broken button, Robert did not turn off the engine and had to use the last bit of effort to reverse it, so he hit the final hidden off. There is also a big hero to come, what is that red jar, it looks like something that can explode, how can it be intact when the ship is turned like this, it seems to know that there is some kind of mission waiting for it. For an instant, I thought the hero would die too, but it was okay.
In the end, six people escaped. Except for that drunk, they sacrificed three people after going through eight levels. The level of tragedy does not seem to be strong (am I a little inhuman). Of course, in addition to thanking the teamwork and the personal ability of the leader, we also want to thank the designer of the ship. The hull structure diagrams are basically there, and they will never be damaged.
Finally, I still have to pay tribute to the old film, the version of 72 years is really very classic. A good movie should be when you forget the plot and still remember the touch in your heart.

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Poseidon quotes

  • Dylan Johns: [after the ship is capsized, to Robert when he asks to go to the ballroom] You suddenly have the urge to go dancing?

  • Dylan Johns: Does your husband...

    Maggie James: oh, does that work much?

    Dylan Johns: What?

    Maggie James: The tentative mention of a husband I'm supposed to correct, even though you clocked my wedding finger twice already.