Watch "THE OC" feeling-I miss him every day

Olen 2022-04-21 08:01:09

Marisa is dead! ?

This ending makes me feel unacceptable. For many years, watching so many movies and watching so many seasons is something I’ve never felt before. Maybe I had tears in my eyes for the separation of life and death, or I sighed for the vicissitudes of life, but I can always stand outside and use words like "should" and "can" to evaluate all kinds of things from my own perspective. ending. But this time I can't do that anymore, I can't do it, and instead I just don't want to. Even though this is a good ending for the film itself, I still feel stubborn that she should live and she should get the happiness she deserves. Why, after experiencing so much pain, loss, regret, and loneliness, she can only die in Ryan's arms instead of embracing him tightly. Even if they go their separate ways, they can at least find their own life in the days to come, and not at such a brilliant age when their lives just come to an abrupt end.

I knew that I had been so deeply involved that I was plunged into it. I couldn't help but be happy for them, lost for them, laughed at the witty words between them, and moved my heartstrings by their affectionate eyes. When they broke up, I would have lost something, and when they kissed again, I would feel relieved. Of course I know that all these are just tricks played by the director and screenwriter, but even if I know where and intent of their moves, I don't want to evade. Yes, I was recruited.

The acquaintance of Ryan and Marisa is a bit weird. One is a poor boy in a civilian area who has been prosecuted for stealing a car and lost his family and was adopted by a kind lawyer; the other is a rich, well-educated daughter who has a stable boyfriend who lives in a wealthy life. And this chemical reaction seems to happen quickly and violently without the help of any catalyst. Perhaps it was the first time they met and the first conversation, they were already attracted to each other, and they were destined to have so many twists and turns.

And all this happened unknowingly, and proceeded naturally. When they find that it is more and more difficult for them to look away, listen and narrate more and more carefully, and are more and more affected by their emotions by the other's behavior, they finally know that despite many obstacles, they really do each other Fell in love. What followed was the first date, the first hand in hand, the first kiss, the first hug, and the first sleep on the same bed. They used their gazes at a distance of three centimeters to understand each other's eyes, gently touched the tip of their noses and rubbed the familiar breath of each other, and experienced each other's body temperature with their tightly interlocked fingers... Yes, they used all the "tricks" used by all lovers. To express the love that is overflowing in your heart, with the mellow aroma of cognac, the strong whisky, the elegance of champagne, and the coldness of beer.

However, what must be known is: how many twists and turns they have gone through, how many difficulties they have overcome, how much pain they have endured, and how many injuries they have suffered. Because only in this way can we truly realize how firm their dedication to each other is and how profound this love means to them. It's not playing around in the swimming pool, it's not dancing hand in hand at a bonfire party, it's doing everything that doesn't require a word of thanks, it's the protection of life even if it pays for it all the time!

At the beginning, Ryan always had an inferiority complex. Everyone knows that he is from a civilian area and does not belong to the wealthy circle. At the same time, he is still in the court observation stage. If anything goes wrong, he will be deprived of the right to freedom at any time and leave the only family that has made him feel warm since his birth. Therefore, he had to restrain his feelings. He couldn't believe that he had won the favor of the most beautiful girl in school history, and he doubted that he would lose her. His suspicion is valid, because every competitor seems to be better than him, and Marisa's mother doesn't like him either. Of course, with the passage of time, this doubt is no longer a problem. However, new and more difficult problems appeared one after another...

And Marisa was the same as Ryan, hesitating at first. After all, this boy was different from other boys she knew well. This is what attracts her, and it is what makes her want to keep a certain distance. But after all, she was approaching Ryan step by step. This allowed her to slowly see the boy in front of her, to know his past, to know his friends, and to understand his character. Until she finally can safely throw into his arms and confide in her heart. Her life is not as perfect as it seems, or even as much happiness as Ryan had at Sandy, his adopter's house. When Marissa thought she could finally find someone who could make her feel safe, anxiety also followed...

Yes, this is life. Problems and anxiety will appear anytime and anywhere. Visiting each of us makes the original The lake is not peaceful. Each of these ripples will cause a series of changes, perhaps this is the so-called butterfly effect.
In the lives of Ryan and Marisa, these ripples have been dramatically strengthened, one after another and getting stronger. This makes them have to stop and think about where they are going next. In the face of these trials, they may be lost or misplaced for a while, but they can always be the victor in the end. It depends on the feelings between them that are difficult to express in words. It's not just love, but the love that goes deep into the bones and occupies the deepest part of the soul. No matter what they experience with each other, they can never forget each other, and they will always help and support each other silently when they need it. Even if separated for a while, there will always be concerns. As Marisa said: "I miss him every day." This is exactly what they did. "Love" is like breathing, like three meals and one overnight, becoming the most basic, most instinctive, and most natural thing to do in their lives, usually until they are no longer conscious.

Perhaps destiny is powerful enough to decide whether a person lives or stays. But so what? Love is stronger than it, love can penetrate time and space. When Marisa finally fell into Ryan's arms, said the last word, and gently closed her eyes, the time and space was frozen. They will live at that moment until everything is gone. Marisa will not die, and Ryan will not leave. To be more precise, the body is only a prop, and their deep love for each other will last forever and be immortal.

It's true that this is not the ending I wished. I hope to see Marisa walking towards Ryan in a white wedding dress, but I don't think this will be adopted by any screenwriter. It is precisely because of the ending that is like this that it deeply touched my heart and made me feel extremely uncomfortable, forcing myself to relieve this serious negative emotion in the form of words. This is exactly why I wrote this article.

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The O.C. quotes

  • Julie: [Gus is peeing outside near her trailer] Real classy, Gus.

    Gus: It's them big gulps. They go right through me. Sneak up on me too.

    Julie: That's a *nice* final image.

  • Summer: Your comic has turned these two idiots into idiots.

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