A few questions

Marcelino 2022-04-22 06:01:02

First of all, we must once again pay tribute to Woody Allen. From my unprofessional point of view, "Scoop" is undoubtedly another Woody Allen-style suspense comedy that is quite brilliant from the actors to the script, and Live up to expectations from the very beginning with the unexpected ending in the last few minutes. It ridicules high society, American and British accents, and classical music. Many familiar Woody Allen elements are reproduced in the film. The old-fashioned plots such as chance encounters, coincidences, love, and murder are also logically filmed with new ideas. The unsatisfactory "Match Point" is exactly the same. But there is one more bright spot: I heard this cute old man’s stand-up comedy again~

Let’s talk about a few questions after watching, I hope it’s just my own understanding and not a flaw in the plot~
1. Why did Pete take the initiative to confess that night He didn't travel on official business. Did he find the father and daughter being followed?
2. Since Pete knew that "Jan of Arc" had the password to open the musical instrument collection room, and found the tarot card under the trumpet, why did he put the key to the door of the dead prostitute there?
3. "They think they knew where the body is." Not long after the police's voice fell, the dreadful "Jan of Arc" appeared at the door. The London police made it out of nothing?

The statement again is just a question, and it hasn't diminished my slight love for the film at all :)

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Scoop quotes

  • Sid Waterman: You know not everything in the world is sinister... just practically everything.

  • Sid Waterman: Not everything in this world is sinister... just practically everything.

    Sondra Pransky: Ugh... the Indian food made me sick.

    Sid Waterman: What? You barely touched your cobra salad, how can you be sick?