How about you

Candelario 2022-04-21 08:01:05

Once upon a time, there was a king who met a god in the forest when he was young. The god said to him, as long as you find the legendary holy grail, you can get everything. So he searched and searched, and even hit Jerusalem for this, but he still got nothing. He was suffering from this. One day the king sat alone on the throne and began to worry again, and a tramp walked into the palace. The tramp didn’t know the king, he only saw a painful man moaning, so he asked, “Can I help you?” The king glanced at him, shook his head, and said, “I’m thirsty.” So the tramp used a cup. Filled him with a glass of water. When the king drank the water, he was surprised to find that all his pain had disappeared, because he was holding the Holy Grail in his hand. He looked at the tramp and asked, "Why do you have the Holy Grail?" The tramp replied, "Because you are thirsty, I just fill it with water for you."
I envy people who can make up stories, always There are so many philosophies that flow naturally in plain language. In fact, the movie is the same, not to talk about complicated things, as long as people can have their own silence after watching, then he will succeed. Today, I am silent for this film: "The fisher king". The opening story is what the protagonist tells under the stars.
When I see blogs written by others, I always say what I have learned about watching movies, but not writing the introduction of the movie, which makes people ticklish. Today I found out when it was my turn to write. Indeed, it is not easy to write.
"king", the Chinese name is "The End of the World". It's an old work from 1991, starring Robin Williams. Let's talk about the plot (I really want to cut the online plot): A popular announcer in New York made a more frustrating joke with a frustrated listener on his show, so the frustrated man shot and killed Suicide after many people. It’s not clear whether the tragedy has anything to do with the announcer, but the announcer named Jack should be blamed, because he completely lost the ability to live a normal life in the next three years and can only rely on blindly loving him. Woman feeds. Such a life is crazy. j is not crazy, just don't want to live anymore. It's a pity that when he was about to succeed (in fact, he didn't want to die at all, even more afraid of death), he was saved by the tramp played by Robin. The homeless man named Parker has some mental disorders and often fantasizes about being chased by a demon riding a red horse. Parker took J to his den and kept telling J that he had discovered the legendary Holy Grail (and thinking of "The Da Vinci's Code"), but it was actually an old castle for the rich. At first, J was scared to death, but he soon discovered that Parker was a somewhat schizophrenic university professor because of the death of his wife, and then he lost his memory. (Seeing here, I know it should be closely related to j) Of course, j doesn’t want to have anything to do with Parker, but when the savior is in trouble, he still stands up, that is, Parker fell in love with a nervous system. Xi woman. It seems that a nervous woman and Parker are extremely similar. They seem to be people who walk between neuroticism and psychosis, with a peculiar compatibility. So J felt that if he saved Parker, he might also be saved. With the help of his girlfriend, he succeeded in creating a date for the two. Things went well, two similar people fell in love. J felt that he was relieved, and he began to have the courage to plan his new future. But it was this kind of happiness that made Parker touch his inner wound, and he recalled the death of his wife. The truth is out, his wife died in that incident. When Parker rushed to the homeless area, he was beaten by the mob, but in Parker's eyes, the demon he had imagined finally caught him. It’s just that what he said at the end was: Thank you. Parker was seriously injured and was in a severe coma. J's new job went well, and he returned to that sensual life, even though he didn't want to have anything to do with the previous one, even abandoning the woman who loved him so much. But when he saw the neurotic lady taking care of Parker in Parker's hospital, he felt that he was still not saved. So he was going to go crazy once, he was going to steal the imaginary Holy Grail for Parker. After a series of botched infiltrations, j got the "Holy Grail", in fact It was just a trophy from the host, and saved the host's life on the way (it seems that this paragraph is not translated). When J brought the inaccurate "Holy Grail" to Parker, he seemed to think that Parker was about to wake up. The ending is like this, Parker woke up and got love. J returns to the original woman, where his true love lies.
The most impressive is the ending song. In the fireworks, Czech and Parker slept naked on the lawn in the park, full of stars. The blues singing sounded, giving the night the gentleness of water. The English is too lame. I only understand the constant singing "how about you...". The
strange thing is that I didn't have any thoughts about the film itself. I just felt that no matter who, there will always be an incomprehensible side. No one wanted to show him, so I saw the last scene as a frank suggestion. It's just that it's not easy, so I also said that I really don't have any ideas.
Alas, the feeling after reading it almost disappeared after a few days of worry. Conclusion: Write immediately after reading it. Well, that's it.

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The Fisher King quotes

  • Parry: There's three things in this world that you need: Respect for all kinds of life, a nice bowel movement on a regular basis, and a navy blazer.

  • Jack Lucas: You're on the air, caller.

    Edwin: Hello, Jack, it's Edwin.

    Jack Lucas: Oh, it's Edwin! Edwin, we haven't heard from you in, what, a day? I've missed you.

    Edwin: I've missed you too, Jack.

    Jack Lucas: So, it's sunrise confession time, Ed, what've you got for us?

    Edwin: Um, I went to this bar, this very, you know, hard-to-get-into place called Babbitt's.

    Jack Lucas: Oh. Yeah, I know the place, it's one of those chic yuppie watering holes.

    Edwin: Well, I met this beautiful woman...

    Jack Lucas: [groans] Come on, now, Ed. If you start, uh, telling me you're falling in love again, I'm going to have to remind you of that time we made you propose to that, uh, checkout girl at Thrifty's that you liked so much, you remember her reaction?

    [door slamming is heard with woman screaming sound effects; Jack's crew make disgusted noises]

    Edwin: She was just a girl...

    Jack Lucas: Uh-huh.

    Edwin: ...this is a beautiful woman.

    Jack Lucas: Yeah, and "Pinocchio" is a true story. Ed, you're never going to get this tart to your dessert plate.

    Edwin: No, this is different...

    Jack Lucas: Edwin.

    Edwin: She likes...

    Jack Lucas: Edwi-- hey!


    Jack Lucas: Hey! Edwin! Hey, c'mon now, I told you about these people, they only mate with their own kind, it's called "yuppie inbreeding". That's why so many of them are retarded and wear the same clothes. They're not human, they don't feel love, they only negotiate "love moments". They're evil, Edwin, they're repulsed by imperfection, horrified by the banal, everything that America stands for, everything that you and I fight for! They must be stopped before it's too late! It's us or them!

    Edwin: [quietly] OK, Jack.

    Jack Lucas: Alright. Well, it's been a thrill. As always, have a perfect day. Everyone here at the Jack Lucas Show says bye. This is Jack Lucas, so long, arrivederce; I'll be sending you a thought today as I lie in the back of my stretched limo having sex with a teenager of my choice, and that thought will be, "Thank God I'm me".