With black humor, he finally grabbed 2 million yuan and was thrown out in his luggage and blown away by the wind. Almost all people involved died. Liar woman, the more beautiful the woman is, the more deceitful it is, haha

Jalyn 2022-04-20 08:01:05

Xiaofei, my biggest mistake is to make a small net profit. I have learned one thing in the past five years. Every time before taking a risk, it is best to make sure that the reward is good. If you grab ten dollars or one million, you may go to jail. of. Do you care if he is with other women? Will you be sad? Hehe, I have seen you through, you are a nasty little slut, you will betray your mother for a piece of cake, but you are smart, you know when to speak big words, when to wait for changes, and you know now to wait for it Change. I’m not wrong. You like money. You don’t have a heart like most women. As long as you have money, be smart, be safe, and you will have a lot of money. You still haven't learned that in your life, you should not be too prominent. The doctrine of the mean, not too good or too bad. Personality is a terrible thing. If you want to kill it just before it takes shape, other people will feel at ease. I often think that the underworld and artists are the same in the eyes of ordinary people. They are respected and admired, but people always secretly hope to see them fall from a height. Yes, like that famous saying, life is like a cup of tea, right. The purpose of paying so much money is to prevent others from knowing about me. Dear Fisher, you’d better not be too clear about some things. You must have heard of the Siberian shepherd trying to explore the nature of the sun. He has been staring at the celestial body until he is blind. There are many things like this, including love and death. The same is true today. Unfair, I have never betrayed you before, not a real husband, not even a man, what a terrible joke. With black humor, he finally grabbed 2 million yuan and was thrown out in his luggage and blown away by the wind. Almost all people involved died.

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The Killing quotes

  • Sherry Peatty: You want me to call you Papa, isn't that it George? And you want to call me Mama.

    George Peatty: You know all the answers.

    Sherry Peatty: Go right ahead. Of course, it may be the last word you ever say; but, I'll try to kill you as painless as possible.

  • George Peatty: It would make a difference, wouldn't it. If I had money, I mean.

    Sherry Peatty: How would you define money, George? Now, if you're thinkin' of givin' me your collection of Roosevelt dimes...

    George Peatty: I mean big money. Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

    Sherry Peatty: You really don't feel well, do you? Are you sure that pain's in your stomach?

    George Peatty: I'm gonna have it, Sherry. Hundreds of thousands. Maybe a half a million.

    Sherry Peatty: Of course you are, Darling. Did you put the right address on the envelope when you sent it to the North Pole?