Garbage mix

Aaliyah 2021-12-10 08:01:27

Why is this shit-like combination of nonsensical garbage clips called a movie? !

The narrative, plot, silhouette, interpretation, etc. have no meaning, nothing to watch, a neurotic exaggerated combination. I can't figure out what it is, but what a thing!

The score of 7.2 points is brushed? Or is it a natural lick of American dramas? ? Nothing to watch, no depth, not even a fucking exotic show, how did you get into the commentary? ?

The score of 7.2 points is brushed? Or is it a natural lick of American dramas? ? Nothing to watch, no depth, not even a fucking exotic show, how did you get into the commentary? ?

The score of 7.2 points is brushed? Or is it a natural lick of American dramas? ? Nothing to watch, no depth, not even a fucking exotic show, how did you get into the commentary? ?

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Four Rooms quotes

  • Norman: I'm gonna tell ya what the fuck I'm talking about! I drive a motherfucking Honda that my sister sold me, ya hear what I'm saying? A little white motherfucking Honda Civic!

  • Sarah: There's a dead body in my bed and it smells like shit and it looks even worse. And if you don't get your ass up here now, my Daddy's gonna lay you down next to her. I swear to fucking God!