Small notes: The artist's path to self-expression

Marcelle 2022-01-02 08:01:35

Because I was lazy and didn't find the right resources, I never watched Zilas Von Trier's movie, but waited until the big screen to watch "Broken Waves", how lucky. However, after watching "Antichrist" and "Female Addict" and then watching "Bro Wave", I was so angry that I was so angry. It is also a strong sexual element and religious themes. The director who completely abandons Christ among the antichrists uses the image of bells to pray for God's forgiveness in the breaking waves. And the strong color of sexual guilt runs counter to the unrestrained nature of female addicts.

But after checking the shooting time of each film, it was relieved.

(The following involves spoilers)

"Break the Waves" 1996

In order to satisfy the sexual fantasies of her husband who was paralyzed in bed, the innocent, kind and stupid female protagonist offered hope of survival to her husband who was in pain, actively seeking slutty sexual relations, and finally died in the hands of the perverted violent sailor. In this process, whether it is the nausea of ​​the female protagonist towards the unfaithful sex, or the contempt of family neighbors and the church, all have smeared sex itself with a strong sense of guilt. However, the director showed great fanfare the licentiousness prohibited by religion, which is very contradictory in itself. Then the director used a shell of the sacrifice of Jesus, turning the death of the heroine into a sacrifice, in exchange for the miraculous recovery of her husband. Although he was buried in a humble manner under the curse of the church after death, it was not in return. The presence of the church bell in response.

In this film, the director has shown fascination with his own desires, guilt and confusion, but still tries to forgive and set things right in the existing theoretical framework of Christ.

"Dog Town" 2003

The same small town environment as Polang is also a kind-hearted hostess who is easy to be bullied, and most major decisions are also made in the small town church. It's not unrelated to religion, it's a social moral film. Use reasoning to present the facts and expose the hypocrisy of human morality.

"Antichrist" 2009

At the beginning, sex was described as guilty, but witches who had been persecuted by Christians in history were used as the main anti-Christian rebels. In the end, the power of the witch triumphed, betrayed Christ, and praised the vitality of nature. Using a lot of witch elements, and evil allegory symbols, use the opposite of your (Christ) theory to completely rebel against you.

It is a very outstanding work among the works on the theme of rebellion. However, rebellion does not mean the construction of meaning. The construction of meaning involves different subject directions.

Compared to Polang, the director can be said to completely abandon the inherent framework and completely free himself.

"Depression" 2011

From the beginning of the doomsday prophecy to the end, the doomsday has indeed come, and the ending is completely annihilated, very comfortable. It is a rebellion and subversion of daily life.

At the Cannes Film Festival that year, Lars Von Trier was expelled from Cannes for making inappropriate Nazi-related remarks. One thing is not unexpected.

"Female Addict" 2013

After letting me go, I will try to correct the chaos of my desire and explore the meaning. Although the discussion on sex is very extreme, at the end, only emptiness is seen, and there is no sense of meaning.

"This House Is Made By Me" 2018

After releasing himself, the director tried to construct meaningful works. However, judging from the ugly corpse house in the ending, no conclusive meaning was found. This house was not built very well.

When filming "Break the Waves", Lars Von Trier was 40 years old, and when he came to "This House Is Made By Me", 62 years old, this artist who is so loyal to self-expression has yet to find the meaning of life. Look forward to his later works~

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Extended Reading

Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!