Wonder Boys

Ashleigh 2022-01-01 08:01:51

I am interested in this film mainly because of the author of the novel, Michael Chabon. Mr. Chabon is the winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and is also a manga fan (he has written the script for SPIDERMAN2). He wrote it under the influence of two cultures, serious and popular. The story is witty, humorous, philosophical and not unconventional. Wonder Boys is a movie with such characteristics. The plot is as plain as life but unexpected, and the wonderful dialogues appear from time to time (many lines are humorous and have subtexts). They have the power to make people feel, but they are not in the movies of the United States. The usual preaching is boring. Just like the movie's slogan: Undependable. Unpredictable. Unforgettable.

The story revolves around Grady, a university English professor. His novel made him famous seven years ago and became the Wonder Boy in everyone’s eyes. But seven years later, his writing fell into a bottleneck (he didn’t write a novel in seven years), and his wife left. The principal who had had an affair with him told him that she was pregnant with his child, so his delinquency was not over yet. After the principal’s party, he was bitten by the principal’s dog. His student James tried to save him. He killed the dog with a few shots in a panic, so the two of them took the dead dog and began to figure out how to solve the problem, and James also took away the jacket Monroe wore when she was married in the collection of the principal's husband...

I didn't expect it. This movie will not have a heavy smell from beginning to end. I have seen movies with similar themes before, and it is generally not that easy. Not deliberately making the subject matter thick is its advantage. Grady and James have gone through things that are both new and not new to them. They say that they are not new because they are all within common sense. But there is nothing to fault; the novelty is because in the process they found something they had never found before. Grady realized that James was actually a very talented writer, and James felt from Grady that he had never had something before. Fatherly. While working for the dog and the jacket, Grady unconsciously realized the true meaning of life and writing. He does not live for the eyes of others or write for the comments of others. His bottleneck is that he considers everything, but he doesn’t. Consider what you really need.

The Wonder Boys in the title refers to three people, Grady, his editor Terry, and James. Two are Wonder Boys from the past and one is the future. The three have different personalities. The same is that they are all waiting. A turning point. Grady was relieved unexpectedly in a burst of burnt forehead, when the manuscript of the novel he wrote numbly flew with the wind, when he gave the jacket of Monroe, who had been looking for a long time, to the waitress ("You and she are narrow shoulders") At that time, he had crossed the bottleneck and knew how to make trade-offs in life. Michael Douglas played this role very vividly. The helplessness of the character and the little superiority of the character are brought to life, while still retaining his unique masculine charm. The emotional drama between James and his father and son is moving. Terry and James, what do you think about the opposites, finally became a pair... It must be said, this is the most "shocking" pairing in the movie I have ever seen... I originally thought James would have a crush on Grady. Girls together. Actually, the process is quite natural, but seeing Tobey Maguire and Xiao Tang lying on the same bed, it feels weird...Terry is an outgoing and cynical kind, although he is eager to find a best-selling work to save himself But I still like to play. When I get off the plane, I will run around with the DRAG QUEEN I just met (that QUEEN is pretty, and it’s both men’s and women’s clothes). It looks a bit like being profitable. In fact, people are not bad, at critical moments. I think for my friends, he has a careful side that cannot be seen from the outside, but he has a soft spot for James, who looks weird and silly, and tells Grady "I see myself in him.", and only he can James was full of joy and anger and laughed. Finally, James' novel became a new direction for his publication, and the two returned to NY together. Under Tang’s interpretation, Terry is not only unruly and sleek, but also more cute. He likes the three whispers "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy" after he greets James in the morning. ~~ Xiao Tang’s comedy is really not covered~~ In short, I like it very much~~ James, is an introverted weird kid (can recite the time and place of death of all suicide movie stars...), just the first one The appearance of autism is far away, and he is a particularly sensitive thinking young man inside. He will shed tears when he sees the jacket hanging in the closet because he feels "it is lonely inside" and has many contacts. I discovered that he is funny and has a strong insight, a bit like a harmless version of Ricky Fitts (the "plastic bag" boy in American Beauty), Tobey Maguire is the best candidate for James in terms of appearance and temperament. There are two sides of sweetness and cuteness and standard freak, innocent and deep, Tobey is mostly dull, but it doesn't make people feel stiff, but feels pity. Three men in a drama, all three men are very exciting.

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Wonder Boys quotes

  • James Leer: You want a bite?

    Grady Tripp: No thanks.

    James Leer: That's why you're having them. Your spells.

    Grady Tripp: Spells? Jesus, James, you make it sound like we're in a Tennessee Williams play. I don't get spells.

  • Grady Tripp: I'm a teacher, not a Holiday Inn.

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