This is a fantasy story about anti-corruption in academic circles

Kaitlin 2021-10-18 09:30:29

In the distant world, there is a San Francisco. In a small village below the mountain, there is a talented young man with thick eyebrows, big eyes, full sky, and clear bones. The young Xiaohong relied on the obsidian star to fight with people. This Xiaohong has an older brother, in the Stanford school in San Francisco, he followed the professor Callahan to practice real man, good at tame spirit beasts. Xiaohong got into trouble again that day, but it was his brother who drove a Vajra Haechi to help Xiaohong.

My brother persuaded Xiaohong to practice his qi and build the foundation step by step, so that he could achieve the unity of nature and man. Xiaohong sneered: People in the world are good gods, but they can't forget their fame and fame. Since ancient times, there are so many things, and there is no pile of grass in the deserted mound. The brother saw Xiaohong's stubbornness, so he squeezed a sword tactic, called out the mount, and flew Xiaohong up to the Stanford faction on the mountain.

Entering the training hall, Xiaohong saw the legendary five Stanford sons, the golden bead lady who is good at poison, and proficient in chemistry; made a pair of hot girls in the holy light magnetic suspension battle ring charmless; a pair of Valyrian steel dragon tooth daggers Wallace of Big Ben; and the rich second generation Wang Sicong. As the oldest of the five Stanford sons, my elder brother is specializing in summoning spirit beasts. My brother said that everyone has taken the national funding for the project, has countless sophisticated equipment for cultivation, and they are all working hard. Among them, the big brother has made the fastest progress, and has reached the stage of Nascent Soul. Xiaohong realized that he was just a frog in the bottom of the well. At this time, the real professor Callahan appeared. He took 10 projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China every year and won the National Science and Technology Progress Award. Ranked among the nine gods. He saw that Xiaohong was smart and smart, and he was a good practicer, so he deliberately included him as a closed disciple.

The real Callahan said that as long as I practice a special magic weapon that I can see, I can enter Stan Buddhism. Xiaohong practiced hard, broke through the Nascent Soul in one fell swoop, entered the distracting space and underworld, refining the somatosensory kinect sword array that was ancient and bright. Callahan is very satisfied, the old enemy of Callahan, the CEO of Kunlun faction also extended an olive branch to Xiaohong. But Xiaohong chose the real Callahan.

At this time, a real fire of Samadhi suddenly descended, Xiaohong's brother and tutor Callahan failed to cross the Tribulation and passed away, and Xiaohong's artifact was also torched. The fireproofing ability of the halls of the dignified Stanford school is so poor, which shows how many kickbacks the real Callahan received in the construction of the campus.

Xiaohong, who had lost his elder brother, was devastated, but the magical weapon left by his elder brother—the medical inflatable doll—the magical beast Dabai was still there. Dabai found that Xiaohong's artifact fragments were altered, and the two traced them to Stamford Mountain and found an evil magic circle in a cave. Xiaohong's artifact was ruthlessly contaminated by evil spirits. Seeing that his academic achievements were plagiarized, Xiaohong felt that he had fallen into a big conspiracy. Decided to work with the four Stanford sons to find out the truth.

Xiaohong, who had successfully overcome the tribulations from his grief, broke through Haoting Xiaodutian and Yuantongyuan Dongtian in one fell swoop, and reached Han Chong Miao Chengtian. He unreservedly taught the four sons of Stanford, the Lady Jinzhu was refined into a Chanel silk sachet, the Spice Girl was refined into a Jet Hot Wheel, and Ben Wallace upgraded the dagger to an orange legendary level. , Wang Sicong brought a set. Medical inflatable dolls have also been transformed into Superman inflatable dolls.

After losing his tutor Callahan, the research system led by the "official position" was broken. Under the leadership of Xiaohong, who has real talent and learning, and application-oriented, the cultivation potential of Stanford's four sons has been stimulated.

Everyone started to follow The plagiarism dog in the cultivating academic circle declared war, and after a fight, they broke the Demon Sword Formation. After taking off the kinect of the BOSS, everyone discovered that the plagiarism dog turned out to be the real Callahan who received 10 National Natural Science Funds every year and the National Science and Technology Progress Award, who died in the fire. In the fire, he plagiarized Xiaohong's research results and escaped. Maybe the fire was caused by himself.

Callahan’s goal was not to issue SCI, but simply to revenge—his daughter was missing in the final stage of the final stage of the Kunlun school’s key project in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan—“Transposition Array”. He wants to avenge the Kunlun faction CEO.

But combined with the context, we can find a problem that is extremely scary for careful consideration. Why does Professor Callahan, who won 10 National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Science and Technology Progress Award every year, need to plagiarize the achievements of a genius boy? Why did the four of his graduate students, Stanford, get rid of his guidance, and their research progressed by leaps and bounds?

Therefore, the biggest conspiracy is actually: Callahan's research results are actually all from his genius daughter. He relied on plagiarizing and using his daughter's results to move step by step to the position of Da Na and master the Stanford School. But her daughter missing after an accident in science and technology, he could not make a decent lie to the results of national research funds, only eating his savings, he made increasingly anxious man Cultivation of the taboo, and finally fall into the Magic ......

Following The anti-corruption tide has blown through the political circle, and after the literary circle, the academic circle should be the next one to be attacked. The Disney company in the United States used a "Big Hero 6" to play a prelude to the anti-corruption of the academic circle in our country. China can get the Nobel Prize as soon as possible if the "official standard" is broken and only talented people are used.

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