Watching this film in the light of only the display, the atmosphere is just right

Ashleigh 2022-01-02 08:01:35

It happened to stay up late at Mahjong last night. I woke up at noon today and I didn’t have a good mental state. I wanted to go to school but I didn’t have a bus. The light bulb in the room just happened to be broken. This film reflects a rare oppressive color. If you don't write something, you always feel unhappy.

Of course, the love theme of the story is touching. From the newlyweds and honeymoon, the little bird is dependent on the person, to the short parting that is difficult to leave, the husband returns to work on the construction site, to the lovesickness, waiting for the phone to fall asleep and even the sound of the call can’t wake up, and everything is absent because of missing him in my heart. . The subtle lens shows the portrayal of the characters and the deep affection of the two people's world at a glance.

However, the extreme happiness is sorrowful, and the heroine Bess can't stand the suffering of lovesickness. She can't bear to pray to Father so that her husband will come back early and stay with her. There seems to be some truth in complaining about women in the boudoir. Unexpectedly, the power of prayer seems to have really worked. Her husband Jan had an accident at the construction site and was smashed into a waste to be sent back. His life was saved, but his whole body was paralyzed. Woo sorrowful, destiny makes people, now you can stay together for a long time, but is a cripple, still interesting? To use Jan's lines, even the ceremony of husband and wife is not enough, and Bess is so young that she became a living widow just after the door, sigh.

Jan thinks about Bess, tell her to find a better man, be a lover, and tell her how Ml feels, so that he will continue to live, just like he is with her Ml. At the same time, she can't divorce him because the local religion does not allow this kind of apostasy to happen. They got married in the church, and the wedding was notarized and blessed by Father. Of course, this starting point is also for the sake of Bess. However, Bess was already fainted by love, and went to the doctor in charge of his husband to dedicate himself. Fortunately, the attending doctor is a handsome young man with high medical ethics and high rp, otherwise an unforgivable mistake will occur.

However, Jan’s condition did not improve. Bess thought that this was the result of not doing what his husband said. So he asked for instructions again in front of Father, expressing his determination and willingness to act, and finally took to the street, dressed up to follow. Brothel women generally look for strange men to abuse themselves. This matter, in that kind of social atmosphere where religious forces are so strong, is bound to be a heresy in which moral decay and rp become negative. So when she stepped into the church this time, she was expelled by the pastor and had a hard time returning home, so her mother turned her away. It can be said that almost the entire society has abandoned her. When she looked for the Father in her heart, she couldn't get any response, so the whole world seemed crazy.

The doctor in charge is still performing operations on Jan, but Jan would rather die earlier than drag Bess down, so he signs an arrest application so that they can catch Bess to a mental hospital for treatment. This is the suggestion of the attending doctor, because he also loves Bess very much, hoping that this can save Bess and escape the suffering of the spiritual world so as not to be driven by love. The police uncle dragged Bess away forcibly, but Bess slipped out. Determined to save to the end, she boarded the sailor's boat again to dedicate her life (the last time she didn't make a contribution, she fled out in a panic). The dedication was successful this time. The sailor insulted her and avenged her last time. She cut her body and caused a lot of blood loss. The attending doctor gg did not come back... Finally the heroine looked at her beloved husband, sad Leave.

The matter was endless, Jan was able to get out of bed miraculously after praying, but he was facing the funeral of his beloved wife. The local church agreed to bury Bess, but could not hold a funeral and could only curse her to hell. How can such a dedication to love, a model who listens to Father's words, go to hell? It's impossible, so Jan, who had just been discharged from the hospital, secretly stole Bess' dead body from the coffin and asked his coworkers to take him to the construction site and bury him, thus avoiding a disaster of hell. Unbelievably, the sacred bell rang at the construction site...

Well, to be honest, the only thing I felt when watching the film this time was the feeling of nausea and depression, especially Bess’s behavior of believing in Father. In the film, her sister also called her a stupid. She was a wife and she was superstitious. Kind of God's Power. In the eyes of the attending doctor gg, he was like a child who had not grown up. Although he was anxious but could not convince him, he could only smile bitterly. The heroine is quite skilled, nestled in Jan's arms like a teenage girl, pure and lovely; when she sacrifices for love, she looks like an old woman, with painful expression and a little mentally ill eyes, especially expressive. The most unbearable thing is that when she was praying with Father, she talked to herself, for a while she spoke lines as Father, and then she asked in a girlish tone, and she switched between the expressions of a girl and a witch. If there is no split It is also time to go to the hospital for observation. The performance of the characters is very good, and the lighting effects and background music are also appropriate to set off the theme, which really makes me unable to sleep, despite the lack of sleep.

Finally, I would like to mention every episode in the beginning of Chapter in the film. I think it is more pleasant to the ear. Unfortunately, I don’t know the source of it. I plan to search and appreciate it. If you know, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

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Breaking the Waves quotes

  • The Minister: I would say to you that if there is one of these commandments you do not love and do not obey, you have no business at the Lord's table.

  • The Minister: Can you think of anything of real value that the outsiders have brought with them?

    Bess McNeill: Uh... their music!