Sister Dinah Lord

Shirley 2022-01-03 08:01:14

Dina, the sister of the hostess Tracy Lord, is cute and witty. I like it very much.

"Virginia Weidler"

Web version: Virginia Weidler-Virginia Weidler

Mobile version: Virginia Weidler

I checked the name Virginia Weidler, and his brother George was the second husband of Doris Day.

Wiki page

At that time, he was also a small celebrity. He first signed a contract with Paramount. After the expiration, Paramount did not renew the contract. After signing MGM, he died at the age of 16 and married at the age of 20. He did not accept it after he quit the stage. Any interviews. However, there are still some fans who follow her, Tang Bu Hot Homepage

But unfortunately, in 1968, at the age of 41, she died young. . . Fans speculated that they died of rheumatic heart disease and walked beside their loved ones in their own bed. RIP Ginny.

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The daughter of the heroine played by Norma Sheila in The women directed by George Cook, hee hee so cute

Women (1939)
1939 / United States / Comedy Drama / George Cook / Nauma Hiragone Crawford

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The Philadelphia Story quotes

  • George Kittredge: I'm going to build you an ivory tower with my own two hands.

    Tracy Lord: Like fun you are.

  • Uncle Willie: Must we ride in this thing? Wouldn't we be more comfortable on pogo sticks?