Recite without lyricism

Annabelle 2022-01-02 08:01:40

There is a question at the end of each lesson in the Chinese textbook from Da Elementary School: Please recite the full text with affection. When I grow up, I can see this kind of lyrical recitation no matter in literary, film and television works. To be honest, it really hurts the stomach. Often lyric, the result is to become ruthless. Because this kind of affection is so cheap, you can turn on the faucet anywhere, rushing to a big bucket.

So is there a lyrical recitation? Yes, this is the Iranian movie "Little Shoes". The little brother was playful and lost his sister's only pair of shoes. My father worked very hard and my mother was seriously ill, so the family really didn't have enough money to buy a pair of shoes. This is the kind of problem that everyone has encountered in childhood, the kind of "never tell mom and dad" problem.

"Little Shoes" tells a story about shoes from this kind of children's perspective, calmly telling how the two brothers and sisters tried every means to solve the problem of shoes. They thought of all the methods that children could think of, and they tried them all. The director did not act as if they were begging for sympathy from the audience like the two refugees. They worked hard from start to finish, but the audience just couldn't stop caring, and eagerly wanted to know whether their efforts could succeed, not after the end of the scene. Crying to donate to charity.

The only shocking scene in the film is even black humor: the little brother’s school holds a long-distance race, and the prize for the third runner-up is a pair of new shoes. So, the little brother tried his best to get the shoes in the game, but he accidentally won the first place. The little brother who won the first place cried into tears in front of the camera. The reason why he was really sad was that he did not get third.

He went home and soaked his bloody feet in the sink. The fish in the water swam over and touched those little feet. This is the quietest moment in the whole film, and all viewers can feel the same taste at that moment, just like the little boy. There are no tears, no sighs, only a quiet afternoon, a pool of water, a school of fish, and yourself.

Therefore, it is unfair to describe "Little Shoes" as a children's film. It was actually taken for adults to see. It makes people stun the taste of life. After taking the time to watch it one day, calm down and think about it. The whole film does not deliberately express the difficulties of life, but embodies the beauty of human nature everywhere. The little sister finally found the missing pair of shoes, only to find them on the feet of a blind daughter. She hid behind the wall and watched, then turned and left. There is not a line, not a note, but it touches people's hearts deeply, and at the end we shed tears and applauds.

I think this applause means encouragement and congratulations, and there is not a hint of cheap sympathy in it. If you don't recite lyrically, you can read the hard things between the lines, that is dignity.

"Little Shoes", known as the greatest children's film ever.

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Children of Heaven quotes

  • Ali: Zahra, I have good news.

    Zahra: What news?

    Ali: I am selected for the race.

    Zahra: What race?

    Ali: Long-Distance Running. The third-best runner gets a pair of new sneakers.

    Zahra: Why the third?

    Ali: The First and Second prizes are something else. If I come in third, I'll give you the sneakers.

    Zahra: But those shoes are for boys.

    Ali: I'll exchange them. I'll get a pair of girl's shoes for you.

    Zahra: What if you don't come in third?

    Ali: I'll be third for sure.