Arctic (Arctic, 2018)

Aletha 2022-11-15 01:16:36

1. What is desperate? The first hour of the movie shows the lack of external resources, and the second half hour of the movie is a conscience hanging. The North Pole (Arctic, 2018) did not show the shocking scene of the wilderness seeking survival and hiding in the horse skins like The Revenant (2015). The mind was disturbed by being trapped in the canyon during 127 Hours (127 Hours, 2010). , Or How I Ended This Summer (How I Ended This Summer, 2010), the inflated sense of fear, on the contrary, the beginning of the film shows the protagonist of the story calmly coping side, to express the different themes.

2. The motivational event that caused the turbulence of the story and the factor that forced the protagonist to move came from the crash of a rescue plane. The crash of this plane can be said to be a blessing in misfortune. Unfortunately, the rescuer was killed and unconscious. The lucky one was that the plane was provided with modern equipment, such as lighters, gas barrels, and proof that the rescue team would indeed come. Ignite the fire of hope.

3. The turning point of the story is about an hour in the movie, and the test is transferred from the body to the heart. At this time, the test is no longer the secretion of adrenaline, but the attitude towards life. The human psychologist Fromm's phrase "If logic is not guided by life's care, it will not be rational, but will develop into perverse intellectual activity." This is also a story extension. For ordinary people, it is a "logical" judgment to give up the disease that hinders survival, and others are understandable; and at the moment when the protagonist of the story thinks like this, he leaves the girl who was injured and comatose because of him, and then fell into the hidden in the snow. abyss. Here, the abyss has a highly symbolic meaning, indicating that this is the protagonist's deepest and most struggling thinking and decision. Then, he was born from the judgment of ordinary people (villians), did not give up the character that can be achieved as a person, and became a highly awakened person (adult, gentleman, Zhiren).

Masters of the Book of Changes are in harmony with heaven and earth. The great virtue of heaven and earth is life.

Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong fifteen in Chen Jueliang, Congzhe is sick, Mo Nengxing. Zilu stunned and said: "A gentleman is also poor?" Zi said: "A gentleman is poor, but a villain is poor."

Mencius is dedicated to the ninth scholar to be poor, not to lose his justice, and to reach the path. If you are poor without losing your righteousness, so the scholars will gain oneself; if you do not depart from the way, the people will not be disappointed. People of the ancients have gained aspirations and added to the people; Being poor is good at one's own body alone, while being good at the same time is good at the world.

Zhuangzi travels to no one.

4. The ending of the story, as far as the actor is concerned, it doesn't matter whether there is a helicopter rescue, because he has already completed his own salvation, so "death in the evening is okay."

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Arctic quotes

  • Overgård: Where do you keep your medical kit? You understand what I'm saying? The medical kit?

  • Overgård: It's arctic trout... with noodles.