A support of Kuding, flat body, fresh life

Liana 2021-12-28 08:01:54

The outline of the story actually revolves around a woman who hasn't clarified the previous marriage for a long time and the surrounding characters. The movie is too long, and I feel that my body is losing sugar and powerless when I watch it. I haven’t watched the director’s "A Farewell" before, but I still admire the director’s constant changes in his uneasy time when he is not in a hurry, and he has made clear his non-subjective standpoint as a creator, and there is no rigidity for everyone. Style ending.

The mark on Ahmad's ex-husband seems to be "rain". From the first appearance, looking for her non-personal daughter Lucy, and moving out because of embarrassment. A person's aura is easily diluted in the rain, and the whole person's state appears to be powerless. In front of his ex-wife, he is a gentle, calm, and generous person who distinguishes right from wrong. In fact, the so-called fairness is just to slow down and smooth the things to be done, which is just a long and long twist.

If the man in the first half is Ahmad, then the focus of the second half will be on the current boyfriend Samir. Unlike Ahmad’s relative active advantage, Samir is in an unavoidable dilemma. On the one hand, as a third party, no matter how bold he is , Would not confront Ahmad and the three of them arrogantly, but his vegetative wife and Shangyou's son are the source of his physical and mental exhaustion. As Mary later questioned, whether it was just to fill the vacancy of his wife. polymerization. It's complicated, don't tell me, you know. As Samir's son didn't understand, "You will call me up, and then you will call me down." The rules of the game in the adult world are not difficult to understand, but think that all problems are under their control. In fact, all clarity is chaos. All normal persistence was shattered by a small misunderstanding and prank.

What I can feel from the film is the rigor and warmth of the director. And a good rhythm distribution. Watching a movie is a process of sharing with two "views". Both video and sound help advance the narrative and understand the content. The director uses every time the "door" is closed, not only to lock or repel the space in a certain area, but also to use the isolation of sound to naturally shift the line of sight to the activities of key characters, but light is an unheard sound. It is enough to appetite everyone and strengthen the tension of fast forward.
Even in such a messy story. Still put each character in a position where the core is strong even if the right or wrong is unclear, and try to complete an ending for everyone.
The ex-husband Ahmad is such a considerate and gentle man. Why did he make things go to such a place where he scratched his head? Because he was passive and cowardly. The delay of 4 years is really unforgivable, because Mary actually still treated him. Attachment, this man drags it and loses it himself. Mary is standing in the same place, facing a woman who has a lover leaving, Samir is actually a man who has fallen into the trap of his wife.

Everyone in the film is a "depressed patient". As Ahmad explained to Lucy, this kind of person is very sensitive and vulnerable to death when encountering such a thing. So they make mistakes. But in fact, there has never been such an antidote to alleviate all the pains of life. The final point of the film is a bit unexpected. An isolated shot follows Samir who is notified that his condition has not recovered. In the empty corridor, he stared at Samir and waited for him to walk a few steps away, waited for him to turn around if he realized what he wanted to do, and waited for him to return to his wife’s ward. He sprayed perfume on both sides of his neck without perfunctory, and while waiting for his wife to respond, the wife left a line of tears and a close-up of the hands of the two holding hands.
Life is really ridiculous, the harder people are waiting for the hopeless ones to rescue

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The Past quotes

  • Lucie: Do you know why she fell in love with that jerk? Because he looked like you.

  • Fouad: Why don't they separate her from medical instruments?

    Samir: Because they don't know if she wants to live with them or die.

    Fouad: She wants to die.

    Samir: Why do you say that?

    Fouad: She wants to die. That's why she committed suicide!