"Le Passé": Remarrying Disturbance

Dewayne 2021-12-28 08:01:54


Past Le Passé (2013)

Past Le Passé (2013)

This is a new art film released this year. I see more Hollywood movies and commercials After that, you need to change the taste.

The film tells about a family conflict caused by a woman remarrying. In France, the heroine picked up her husband from Iran from the airport, and the purpose of his return was to divorce the heroine. After returning home, the husband saw the little daughter of the heroine and another boy. Then the husband learned that the boy was the son of the heroine's fiance. In the evening, the husband met the other eldest daughter of the heroine, her father is the heroine's ex-husband. The husband has a good relationship with the eldest daughter, and the eldest daughter recounted her confusion: she does not want the heroine to marry that man. The next day, the heroine and her husband divorced smoothly. Only then did the husband know that the heroine was pregnant with her fiance's child. Later, the husband learned through his eldest daughter that the fiance's wife had become a vegetative and was unconscious in the hospital. At night, the eldest daughter did not go home, so the heroine, husband, and fiance quarreled. At this time, a friend of my husband called and told her that the eldest daughter was in her own home, and the whole family calmed down. But this incident made the fiance very confused and took his son away from the heroine's home. The next day, the eldest daughter told her husband that the fiancé’s wife committed suicide and became a vegetable because of her letter. The husband told the heroine about this. The heroine was very angry and quarreled with her eldest daughter and husband. After the heroine calmed down, she told her fiance everything. After hearing this, the fiance immediately asked his employees and found that the matter was not what the eldest daughter said. But soon the fiance investigated the truth, and it turned out that one of his employees had impersonated his wife. The employees did this just to retaliate against the wife of the fiancé, because the wife of the fiancé wanted to fire her. After the truth came out, the husband left the heroine's house, the eldest daughter no longer blamed herself, and the heroine and her fiance were reconciled as ever. Finally, the fiance came to the hospital and tried to wake up his wife.

This is a relatively simple plot, but very obscure movie. If you don't think about it, you will easily think that this is a pale movie. However, when you carefully consider the details and plot of the characters in the film, you will find that this is a very real movie that reflects human nature. In other words, this is a movie that shows real life and exposes the true colors of human beings.

From the characters in the film, you can understand many ugliness of human nature, such as selfishness, lies, and revenge; you can also understand the complex emotional self-blame and sadness of many human natures; you can also see the game between morality and human nature, such as marriage. Three times a woman, a man abandoning a vegetative wife, etc. In short, this movie uses an ordinary family story to show the true side of human nature—as in the style of the movie—cold, silent, and depressed.

In fact, if you think about it from another angle, you will find that similar patterns in the film often happen around you, and the communication between people is so complicated and so hard!

The filming is quite satisfactory. Although it is an art film, I don't feel that it is more "artistic". In my eyes, except for some sports scenes in the car, the film is almost always a front and back shot with a fixed lens, which is very "TV series". This is also the shooting technique of an international director? It's so mediocre. Of course, shooting in this way also has an advantage. It doesn't look tired at all, it doesn't work hard, and it's very comfortable.

The actors are quite satisfactory. Bérénice Bejo is a familiar face in "The Artist", but I don't like her and I don't like her. Pauline Burlet, who plays the eldest daughter, is not a big beauty, but she is very charming, but she is only 17 years old, which is hard to believe. The other actors are very ordinary, don't mention it.

in conclusion. This is a very ordinary family movie about the remarriage of a complicated family. Although it is not well-watched, it really shows some humanity. Therefore, it fits the positioning of this film as an "art film", but it is much worse than the director's last one.

Pauline Burlet

Pauline Burlet

Pauline Burlet

Bérénice Bejo

sequence: 1179



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The Past quotes

  • Lucie: Do you know why she fell in love with that jerk? Because he looked like you.

  • Fouad: Why don't they separate her from medical instruments?

    Samir: Because they don't know if she wants to live with them or die.

    Fouad: She wants to die.

    Samir: Why do you say that?

    Fouad: She wants to die. That's why she committed suicide!