Great work

Alexander 2021-12-22 08:01:06

It was originally a movie aimed at Elizabeth Taylor’s sex appeal, but it turned out that it was a perfect family group drama movie. Every role in the play was performed exquisitely and perfectly. It was possible to interpret such a complex group drama in 1958, and there have been many similar films in the following 60 years, including last year's "August." "Osage County" is the mantle for undertaking this great film. The young Paul Newman is too handsome, and the young Elizabeth Taylor is even more sexy and charming. The incomparably powerful dramatic conflicts that burst out in one night have exposed the conflicts and privacy of each family member. In the end, the understatement saved everything and healed everything. It's the realm of Da Yin Xi Sheng, that's it. The movie stars of the golden age of Hollywood are really not comparable to the current Hollywood stars, so worship. . .

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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof quotes

  • Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: This is a deliberate campaign to ruin Brick!

    Mae Pollitt: He don't need no help.

    Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: [crying] And for the most sordid reasons on earth! Greed! Avarice and greed!

    Ida 'Big Momma' Pollitt: Margaret, darling, don't cry.

    Mae Pollitt: Well, that takes the cake! Who are the tears for? Brick? Big Daddy? Or are they for yourself? Are you crying cause you're childless? You know why she's got no kids? Ask her big, beautiful husband!

    Gooper Pollitt: Mae!

  • Gooper Pollitt: You said I never loved Big Daddy. How would you know? How would he know? Did he ever let anybody love him? It was always Brick, always. From the day he was born, he was always partial to Brick. Why? Big Daddy wanted me to become a lawyer. I became a lawyer. He said to get married, I got married. He said to have kids, I had kids. He said to live in Memphis, I lived in Memphis. Whatever he said to do, I did.