If you feel hot, you just jump!

Immanuel 2021-12-22 08:01:06

If you feel hot, you just jump!
Why not jump? Such persistence will not win.
This play by Tennessee Williams reminds me of "Thunderstorm." They have similar storms. Under the same roof, a group of blood-connected people entangled with each other, resentful.

At the center of the storm is a young and beautiful woman on the verge of dangerous lust. They all want to get a man who loves, but they choose an overwhelmed object in the big family of hypocrisy and hollowness. These men concentrated the crisis of the whole family, including great wealth and great coldness. The only thing missing is the great power of the father's generation. Not even a small family can afford it.

The character is involved in past actions, and his heart is entangled with an indifferent and bitter core. Can't be unlocked. In the deep black hole, it sucks dust, mud, injury, and lies. It is wrapped in layers, making it difficult for people to walk. I had to let it fall asleep and gnaw in the silence. However, such a silent swallowing is still on the verge. Encountered a strong storm, a huge collision, some destruction, some rebirth, some silence again.

Every lightning and thunder is a baptism of life. Fanyi may have gone too far, and was unable to turn around. McGee was resurrected again, and his life revealed a ray of light. Her husband Blake said that the lies here can no longer affect us. I hope this faith that has rekindled from the ashes can persist for a long time, and can illuminate the looking up face, the woman who has infinite hope.

But, woman, why must your immense energy be dedicated to love? What drives you tirelessly to throw yourself into the net. It must be the burning passion in your heart that makes you like those moths fighting the fire.

I really doubt that those moths are blind. Can't it see the wider sky?

I began to hate this blind passion. They are too many to be cherished and become cheap. People deplore the weakness of this sex.

Let men do these things! They are always passionate, they can always escape safely, they have strong armor.

If you must love, use your bright and clear eyes to love! Love with your frozen core! Don't raise your eyebrows, don't knock over your tea lid. Let the unworthy and unobtainable go to hell!

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Cat on a Hot Tin Roof quotes

  • Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: This is a deliberate campaign to ruin Brick!

    Mae Pollitt: He don't need no help.

    Margaret "Maggie" Pollitt: [crying] And for the most sordid reasons on earth! Greed! Avarice and greed!

    Ida 'Big Momma' Pollitt: Margaret, darling, don't cry.

    Mae Pollitt: Well, that takes the cake! Who are the tears for? Brick? Big Daddy? Or are they for yourself? Are you crying cause you're childless? You know why she's got no kids? Ask her big, beautiful husband!

    Gooper Pollitt: Mae!

  • Gooper Pollitt: You said I never loved Big Daddy. How would you know? How would he know? Did he ever let anybody love him? It was always Brick, always. From the day he was born, he was always partial to Brick. Why? Big Daddy wanted me to become a lawyer. I became a lawyer. He said to get married, I got married. He said to have kids, I had kids. He said to live in Memphis, I lived in Memphis. Whatever he said to do, I did.